some Hobbyists going to RUIN this site...

All the hobbyists who maliciously say hurtful and nasty things are chasing away new and hot providers.

Why do u feel u have a right to comment on things in a hurtful manor about a woman especially when u havent even seen them yet?

Providers have lives just like u do!! I have read some horrible things that hobbyists say about providers that make me sick. Who are u to make these judgements and say such hurtful things?

If u dont connect with a provider, SO WHAT?? Not everyone's chemistry is going to match up and be perfect. Shouldn't that be between u and ur provider?

Providers have bad days like u do. I read some hobbyist say a provider had a 5'o clock shadow.......she is sicilam italian...did u expect her to not be tan with dark hair?

If u come for good sex and recieve good sex why add in these comments that are unnecessary?

Your going to ruin it for everyone! The pretty girls will leave eventually if u continue this slander because they can get appointments elsewhere and u will have ruined it for everyone.

This site is to connect people who want to connect with another person in an intimate sexual manor.....its supposed to be enjoyable. Your taking the fun out of it.

I SAID IT.......lets hear what others have to say
trojantide's Avatar
Hey AA, nicely articulated post regarding one of the most frustrating aspects of this board. The reality is that this is not new. Guys been chasing ladies (and hobbyists) off the board with their nastiness since day 1. And a lot of fine ladies are still here and more like you keep showing up. That's the good news.
Some folks just have miserable dispositions by their nature. When you get to hide behind a board persona it just magnifies it. Also, in defense of a lot of posts, some are just taken out of context, guys just trying to have fun.
To most here, you're preaching to the choir. There's a few douchebags with vendettas or whatever trying to disrupt. Ignore them and eventually they go away.
Look, your reviews speak for themselves. You're clearly a fine courtesan who goes the distance to give quality service and with this post also seem like a fine and decent person. I hope you can treat the hate as background noise and stick around for awhile.
Tiffany Blue's Avatar
I couldn't agree more very well said . It's truly unfortunate that some people feel the need to belittle someone or mock them.
Wakeup's Avatar
All the hobbyists who maliciously say hurtful and nasty things are chasing away new and hot providers. Originally Posted by Amelia Angel
Name one...

Who are u to make these judgements... Originally Posted by Amelia Angel
Um...I'm the paying customer judgement is the only one that matters...

If u come for good sex and recieve good sex why add in these comments that are unnecessary? Originally Posted by Amelia Angel
Because good sex for me may very well hinge upon whether or not she has 5 o'clock shadow...all comments are welcome and necessary...

If you're in the service industry and you don't like every aspect of your customer service being scrutinized...then you need to either grow thicker skin, or quit slinging pussy for a living...just sayin'...
Plastic Man's Avatar
right whats wanted is a place where "providers" can pass off 10 or 20 year old pix as recent.
place where they can give out "extras" for yes reviews then not expect poor next jimmy to be pissed when service sucks at full price.
place where they can screw an "official" for super white knight powers.
place where every thread is a threAD.
place where jimmies are lead around by the balls and if they grow a sack and say the hooks twat smelled like a ripe hefty bag they get bent over for special fun.
in short place where jimmies nuts are in a vise just like being at home with their old bag who chopped their balls off sometime before al gore invented the interwebs.
and it aint slander. slander is spoken.
prograde's Avatar
Some postsers do come off like they're in a bad mood. When a provider starts a thread and gets piled on by guys who aren't local and/or have no intention of seeing her it must be discouraging. My advice would be to consider the source and remember that haters are just trying to project their insecurities onto you. It only works if you let it.
Plastic Man's Avatar
riiiiiggghhhhtttt.... projection
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Well, at least we arguments from both sides.
Wakeup's Avatar
Some postsers do come off like they're in a bad mood. Originally Posted by prograde
Wait wait it's okay for the OP to say that providers can have bad days, but it's NOT okay for a hobbyist to have a bad day? Yeah...okay Mr. Spock...

When a provider starts a thread and gets piled on by guys who aren't local and/or have no intention of seeing her it must be discouraging. Originally Posted by prograde
It could be discouraging, or it could also be a wake up call for the provider to step up her game so she can avoid the bad comments. Also, why does it matter who is local and who is not? If I'm giving my opinion, you can be damn sure that it's shared by at least one person who is why is my saying it any worse that them saying it?

My advice would be to consider the source and remember that haters are just trying to project their insecurities onto you. It only works if you let it. Originally Posted by prograde
Project insecurities??? We're not projecting insecurities, we're giving our opinions. It's the PROVIDER'S insecurities about our opinions that least to rant threads like this one...not our insecurities...

You are correct, it only works if you let it, and THAT'S a lesson that most providers don't learn until it's way too late...
I have never posted anything about a hobbyist no matter how bd the experience. NEVER. I have not gone on and talked shit in the provider only room and I have had some really messed up guys act very inappropriate.
I dont feel it is my place to comment on those things.

Now if a guy was violent or I felt unsafe then I would but the bullshit the hobbyist bitch about in the backdoor room and in our reviews is crap.

There is a nice way of saying thngs and a nasty way and too many times the hobbyists take the nasty root.

I am all for people reporting very BAD things like unclean, unsafe conditions, being ripped off or anything like that but these guys are bitching about SUBBLE on a girls pussy!!
JohnnyCap's Avatar
...the hobbyists take the nasty root. Originally Posted by Amelia Angel
I'm getting a rep as a word guy so I have to point out while the hobbyists often take the nasty route, it is usually the providers that take the nasty root.
Amelia do you mind if Wakeup makes you wear a george bush mask during the appointment? it reminds him of his childhood and his daddy. He has some major issues.
Guest042416's Avatar
I have always thought that providers on here should review us make it fair game.

Im all for that.
Some guys are going to be really picky and nit pick a girl, cant change them.
I have seen some that were really bad and some really good and some just ok, I try not to dwell on the negative in the review, on we go girls
pyramider's Avatar
Amelia do you mind if Wakeup makes you wear a george bush mask during the appointment? it reminds him of his childhood and his daddy. He has some major issues. Originally Posted by sucrunchman

Would that be a Big Bush mask or a Scrub Bush mask?
This will piss a few people off. I've been surprised and saddened by the nature of people's comments. Some men engage in the hobby because they, simultaneously, hate, desire, and fear women; sex-for-hire is a nonthreatening encounter. An anonymous forum that is comprised, in part, of like-minded souls brings out the worst. I'm very sorry Amelia has to put up with this but have to add that it's, probably, inevitable; it's one of the reasons providers get so hardened; you have to build emotional armor just to survive. That sucks! At their worst our sexual encounters are perfunctory couplings between two people who have no interest in each other; all that can be said about those is that each party probably gets what they want; i.e. money and ejaculation. At their best, the encounters are enjoyable, adventuresome and intimate with two participants who like and respect each other. Would that there were more of the latter and fewer of the former.