Verification Process.

HarleyRose's Avatar
So I just had a text conversation with a member from another site, that I've had a few issues with in the past, and don't use "Senior Status" from their as a valid form of verification, since it's basically just a bunch of dudes trash talking girls - and even when the few aren't trash talking, there's still no actual way for girls to check them out and let others know they're okay. When I told him this, and that I would need 3 (literally, only three) provider references, he laughed and said "No Thanks". I never understand why this is such an issue. It takes all of a few minutes to send the name and phone number to girls you've seen in the past. By refusing this you're either 1, lazy and just inconsiderate, or 2., you know or think that nobody will have anything nice to say about you. Why do guys think that we'll just see them without verification and making sure they're okay? I don't know about anyone else but my safety trumps any dollar amount you may throw at me. At the end of the day this is my business and my only means of income currently, so yes I hate to turn away potential business, but if you flat out refuse verification, that's not putting you in very good light. So Gents, please, for future reference, respect a lady's verification process and understand that it's nothing against you, or that we aren't trying to be discreet or trying to be difficult - we're doing our jobs and making sure we stay safe while doing it.
  • cylon
  • 02-01-2018, 05:41 AM
Sometimes, us gents are reluctant to give out that info because maybe the lady we saw before you isn't reference friendly. Like, we catch sh!t for giving out their info or maybe the other lady gets jealous. Now, I totally get it: we are all free to see who we want. That said, it can seem not worth the hassle. That's the legit reason that comes to my head. Even with that tho, if the gent has a history of reviews, you should be able to back into who they have seen. Might not be worth it for you, tho.

Verification sites are better in some parts of the country. I use p411 and it is great, IMO. Oh and yeah, if the site you are talking about is the one I am thinking of, yeah, it isn't quite so provider friendly as this one or others.

I'm also pretty sure there are provider only sites but I don't know of any right off the top of my head. If there aren't, then that is a business opportunity!
I gave out my info to 1 Provider when I 1st started and that has been it (8 years ago).

Now I just give a Provider references for her to screen with. If it works out for that Provider and she is comfortable with those references then great. If not, I say thanks and move on.

Same goes with the Gents. The only references "so to speak" we can go by for a Lady is the reviews we see.

I know what site she is referring to and while there might be some bad apples there I can only assume "most" have never had to go through a "Verification Process" and are turned off by it. Hence, the response she got.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I'm ref friendly giving and receiving but not everyone is.... there are girls who take but don't give unfortunately (or they are sometimes purposely extra slow to respond).
I look at refs as icing on the cake but not the be-all-end-all of screening.
Either the girls he's seen are not reference friendly OR if they are he doesn't have good standing with any of them.
There are many other ways to screen without references so I doesn't bother me too much if a girl isn't reference friendly.
Sometimes (but not always) the verification process is only as difficult as the prospective date makes it out to be.
I'm pretty sure we can say USASG here...that site is like 80% street reports so yeah most of them probably don't go through any kind of verification process past finding the bridge to park at.