Question about BBBJ

chichisito's Avatar
First, I am asking the readers to please keep this thread informative and civil.

Today I saw a documentary on a satellite channel. It was named something like "nude girls unite". This documentary dealt with the subjects of strip clubs and prostitution.

In the program they interviewed a health professional who deals mainly with prostitutes (sex workers as the documentary calls them). During the interview, she mentions that studies that her organization has done, show that sex workers who routinely perform unprotected fellatio (BBBJ) are at higher risk of contracting an STD than from unprotected intercourse.

This commentary went against what I knew (however I am not a health professional) and what I believe is the "common sense" knowledge among the posters in these forums.

Do you have any information (with links to the sources website if possible) that can shed some light on the subject?


P.S. Please notice that I am not encouraging anybody to have unprotected oral or vaginal sex because of this comment. I just want information.
Guest062716's Avatar
Not according to the CDC....

QUOTE: "Like all sexual activity, oral sex carries some risk of HIV transmission when one partner is known to be infected with HIV, when either partner’s HIV status is not known, and/or when one partner is not monogamous or injects drugs. Even though the risk of transmitting HIV through oral sex is much lower than that of anal or vaginal sex, numerous studies have demonstrated that oral sex can result in the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
Sierra's Avatar

It is possible to spread HPV through oral sex, and it is in fact thought that HPV acquired while performing oral sex is a major risk factor for throat cancer. HPV can also appear in the oral cavity through vertical transmission (transmission from mother to child during birth). As with herpes, it seems likely that the use of condoms or dental dams during oral sex should reduce the risk of infection, but they will not necessarily eliminate it entirely since HPV spreads via skin-to-skin contact.
There is currently no test for men for the HPV virus.*Only Women under 26 can be vaccinated for HPV.
The Bottom Line

In summary, unprotected oral sex puts you at risk for numerous sexually transmitted diseases. If you perform unprotected oral sex on your sexual partners, you should mention it to your physician. She may want to check your throat when she is screening you for other STDs.

Hope this helps someone!
When you look at it in detail unprotected oral sex IS NOT safe at all. It also depends on the level of activity involved during the BBBJ. Does she rub it against the inside of her cheek(risky). Or just suck it. And she might not know it but there can be tiny cuts inside the tongue, hence making BBBJ risky. I say cover it all. Because noone checks if there are microscopic cuts inside the mouth , tongue or even on the penis shaft. I mean the viruses that cause STDs are very very tiny.
In addition most people in the USA have HSV-1. Studies show that HSV-1 or HSV-2(genital herpes) more than double the risk of getting infected with STDs.
And specially for providers that do DT. That is too risky. Your tonsils trap anything that gets in their way be it dust or viruses.

I may be hated for saying it but that is the truth. Just because oral sex is labeled as low risk, doesn't mean a risk at all.
screwey's Avatar
I'm not going to argue about Gardasil here. However, I'd not recommend anyone take that, without doing some serious research.

It is not as it may seem, is all I can say here.
When you look at it in detail unprotected oral sex IS NOT safe at all. It also depends on the level of activity involved during the BBBJ. Does she rub it against the inside of her cheek(risky). Or just suck it. And she might not know it but there can be tiny cuts inside the tongue, hence making BBBJ risky. I say cover it all. Because noone checks if there are microscopic cuts inside the mouth , tongue or even on the penis shaft. I mean the viruses that cause STDs are very very tiny.
In addition most people in the USA have HSV-1. Studies show that HSV-1 or HSV-2(genital herpes) more than double the risk of getting infected with STDs.
And specially for providers that do DT. That is too risky. Your tonsils trap anything that gets in their way be it dust or viruses.

I may be hated for saying it but that is the truth. Just because oral sex is labeled as low risk, doesn't mean a risk at all. Originally Posted by houstonguy09

Absolutely not hated. Thank you very much for posting this.
AtxTexMex's Avatar
Not according to the CDC....

QUOTE: "Like all sexual activity, oral sex carries some risk of HIV transmission when one partner is known to be infected with HIV, when either partner’s HIV status is not known, and/or when one partner is not monogamous or injects drugs. Even though the risk of transmitting HIV through oral sex is much lower than that of anal or vaginal sex, numerous studies have demonstrated that oral sex can result in the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Originally Posted by OldSarge

Ive read this about HIV as well, but I think he was refering to all STDs in general.
For more info read this. It states the riskiness of receptive fellatio (scientific term for BBBJ ).
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
I'm not going to argue about Gardasil here. However, I'd not recommend anyone take that, without doing some serious research.

It is not as it may seem, is all I can say here. Originally Posted by screwey

.....I agree.

saxet54's Avatar
It would seem that all statements re: BBBJ would apply to DATY as well. Will everyone abstain?