Omg Memphis....

Cassie107's Avatar
Have I told you how much I love and missed you? I caught up with some dear friends and some even better girlfriends yesterday. Mmmm don't even get me started on the food lol. Now to figure out what to do today and this evening. It's Friday and I want to have some fun with friends. Are movie theaters or ANYTHING fun open up here? Anyone have any suggestions at all? I'm tired of Netflix and I've got to stop reading so much until I get my glasses. I need some excitement people. So come on with some suggestions pleeease.
SlowHand50's Avatar
Welcome back to M-town! See the reply from Mr. Bill to Milly's post, he's got things about right. I think some movies are open but with seating capacity reduced for distancing.
HoustonRiley's Avatar
I just got to Memphis. Im so excited. Its been a couple years.