When do you guys stop....

Good morning everyone!

Here is a question-do you gentleman have a stop point when searching through online ads? Meaning-do you go through the first 3 pages and make a decision on a provider or do you search further?

Appreciate your answers and thanks for being a part of my "research and development" team!
  • T-Can
  • 07-30-2010, 07:49 AM
First off, I have a question for you - Why do you ask?
And no I'm not trying to be an ass.

BP - 1st page because it's a waste of time to go any further
CL - same as BP
Eccie - usually just first page unless I'm not finding what I'm looking for
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I've searched several pages back. Usually 7 days from what ever day I'm looking. Because after that the others are out of date.
First off, I have a question for you - Why do you ask?
And no I'm not trying to be an ass.

BP - 1st page because it's a waste of time to go any further
CL - same as BP
Eccie - usually just first page unless I'm not finding what I'm looking for Originally Posted by CanDo01
I ask because sometimes as a provider you pay for your advertising. Depending on where my ad is displayed I want to know if it is worth the cost or not for certain sites. I advertise on Eros and am not sure if it is worth the cost or not. Just want to pick your brains a bit and get a different perspective!

Thanks guys!
As I am not looking for a specific woman, usualy the 1st one ad that gets me to stop and read it all the way through will be most likely it. Unless I see something in the fine print I don't like. I would think most guys are looking for the type they want and the 1st one that matches their needs has the best chance of getting the job. Front page is alwasy better if the cost is not too high. Just like with search engines on the internet, the phone book, etc
Randall Creed's Avatar
I'm sorta like Bubba on this. My stop usually depends on how quickly I find what I'm looking for. It can be on the first page, or it could be on page 6.

It gets tiring and overwhelming at times, but I tough it out (poor me, I know).

I stop when someone answers the phone or replies to email....which is getting pretty rare when they do reply to show up.
I' always show up! I am a stickler for time and punctuality! I try to always answer my phone also but if I can't I just hope to get a call back or a message to return the call.
I stop when someone answers the phone or replies to email....which is getting pretty rare when they do reply to show up. Originally Posted by Jima25

who are you calling? I haven't been no showed in monthss.

I don't read eros but could probably name the top listings on p411 in dallas without looking.

I don't read the ads on here much and rarely go past the first page.
Boom Boom's Avatar
...BP - 1st page because it's a waste of time to go any further
CL - same as BP
Eccie - usually just first page unless I'm not finding what I'm looking for Originally Posted by CanDo01
+1 on this. I typically don't search eros.
Lately I have gone through the 1st page and not recognized any name, BP invasion.
WarlockAahz's Avatar
No offense, but I'm far less interested in what you have to say about yourself than what others are saying about you, or the pictures. So I don't usually go through the ads at all unless it's BP or CL for amusement. I will go through the "Weekend" section of the forum, but generally I get all the really good ideas and info from the reviews or forum threads and then looking at pictures and P411 pages.
Captain Caveman's Avatar
I've only looked at the ads on ECCIE. In the beginning I looked at everything. Now I am just looking at new names or particular providers that have caught my eye and I am interested in.
cookie man's Avatar
Since I found ASPD and then ECCIE, I stopped looking at EROS. EROS proved to be too unreliable. It may pan out for you, but for the informed hobbyist, it is considered for tourists.
I check out the ads for one week back while they are active. Then I check the Weekend Lineup. I will say the Showcases at the top of the page catch my eye, and I am impressed with ladies that normally don't post or advertise here.

I will be perfectly honest and say you look very attractive, but $300 for an unknown provider is something I will click away from. I believe a lady should work her way up to that level. No offense, just my opinion.
I search until my balls tingle! It's always a magical experience for me.