Farewell My Friends; It’s been good, it’s been fun,, it is now time for me to go..

Blazing Saddles (1974): I'm So Tired Scene (Madeline Kahn)

After many years of service as a Provider and Agency Owner I am retiring……. My projected date is April 25th ... Thank you,,, too all the Gentlemen who I have met throughout the years,,, you all have been very good to me (especially you H-Town guys) and have made my last few years of service enjoyable.

I will be accepting new appointments until April 25th,,, after which I will go UTR and only see gents I have seen before.. I will be available for Provider References for a few more months,, ladies you can contact me via my email addy…

Mojojo's Avatar
Good luck to you in whatever you chose to do! We never met but rest assured your contributions were appreciated greatly! You will be missed!
dearhunter's Avatar
Are you going to force me to come see you?
CyberProf's Avatar
Another high quality ATF goes away - LRR, AST, June - maybe this is a sign it is time to slowly fade into the distance myself . . . Now that I am over 50, I have found out many things. . .
1) I can hide my own Easter eggs
2) I value a more experienced, mature provider, the new crop doesn't really work for me
3) I am tolerating change less and less well

But Back on-topic - Alexis, you will be missed - you are more than a class act, but truly one of a kind on here - and you belong on Blowpop's list - as one who has sampled his list, I can verify that it is the best of the best, and you would land on it easily.

Fair winds, and following seas to you and your future endeavors.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Holy schmokes, Paul called, didn't he?
But but but..... ::sigh::

Wish you well, hon !!
Good luck young lady
You'll be missed around here, AST. Take care!
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
All the best to you, AST.
JayOnel's Avatar
Good luck, Alexis.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Good luck Young'n. I wish you all the best.
CaptainQ's Avatar
Never had the pleasure of meeting you, but I know you are a class act. Best wishes in regards to your future.
1of3500's Avatar
Well, you know I you, I'm a about you leaving, but I wish you only the best.! Love you! Oh and by the way....
Fancyinheels's Avatar

You've been an inspiration and a standard I aspire to, Alexis. This hobby heaven will mourn your loss.
I'd like to buy you a drink sometime and toast you as high priestess of erotic arts.
All the best in life, dear lassie.

An old Irish blessing for you:

May God be with you and bless you.
May you see your children's children.
May you be poor in misfortunes
and rich in blessings.
May you know nothing but happiness

from this day forward.
tikkler33's Avatar
Good luck in all that you do.