How time has change in the Hobby World.

JuxJonny's Avatar
The other day I was just thinking about how this world has changed. Back in 1995, I find myself looking at the Dallas Classified & wonder what these ads the ladies were advertising. So one day I decided to get me an early Christmas Present & called one of them up. Not knowing what to expect, but I sure open a new door in my life. wow the Dallas Classified, thats when the Prime Co phone existed, were there any forms like this...than the Observer kicked in. looking at those ads and now present time where U can just look up anyone on ur how time has changed! thats only 15 yrs of my life. I wonder how U older guys did it. BTW back than the 2 call system would really suck! Just imagine if we had to go to the phone booth all the time. Just wondering.
elgato111's Avatar
Back in the day you could not find an indy, they all worked out of studios or massage parlors or on the corner. The only indys back then were the ones you worked with who would do it with just about anybody in the office and usually did.

All you had to do was make a phone call to the location, set an appointment and show up hoping that the ladies weren't older than your mother which did happen in those days.

The amazing transition that this business has taken over the years is just unbelievable. Like you said, now you go online, look at her pics ( hope they are real), read reviews, send her a pm or text and race to her location when she agrees to see you. Unfortunately though you still have to be on your toes and alert to your surroundings cause anything can happen and sometimes does. Just now you have all the research tools you need at the touch of your mouse.
Yeah, I remember back in the day at the ole' jackshack I started out at, a topless massage & L1 was 150, a nude one was 200. That was without any L2 or L3!!

LOL, how times (& let's not forget THE ECONOMY) have changed!
Yeah IP i remember those days. Met a very nice sexy young lady back then. She still hot and sexy. She showed me what she was working with. I was hooked.
I remember when the Dallas Observer was a good place too meet nice gentlemen and was cheap to place and add.
JuxJonny's Avatar
the Amps back than where I use to go had a lot of Vietnamese girls..Dallas by Night, Majestic Spa and Minh Si. now nothing but K-girls.
Sasquatch's Avatar
I guess it has been over 10 years since I would visit NVA, Massage Station or OES every few days. I found a few gems that still stick in my mind. Time sure does fly by. Since S1 is gone, it looks like The Office is trying out their old business model.
TheWanderer's Avatar
I guess it's always going to be hit and miss to a degree but back in the old days of responding to an ad in a paper like the Observer (all towns have them), it was damn sure hit and miss.
It was a "box of chocolates."
Never knew what you were going to get.
Amazingly, I met some fine ladies that way but I also had some Nightmares from Elm St.
This new technology is great. I imagine it's only going to get better.
Hated the 2 call system....driving around half lost.
I guess it has been over 10 years since I would visit NVA, Massage Station or OES every few days. I found a few gems that still stick in my mind. Time sure does fly by. Since S1 is gone, it looks like The Office is trying out their old business model. Originally Posted by Sasquatch
Yes the old Oes. I loved that place.