My computer is dying-or at least on it's way out. Please contact me by phone

My video card is on it's way out. My laptop didn't work all day and then I decided to try it again in the middle of the night-and low and behold it decided to cooperate for a little bit, but with all it's acting up I don't anticipate that it's all that reliable.

If you need to reach me, please contact me by phone: 512-814-5386.

I am trying to get a temporary loner to get me by for a bit. So-my internet/computer capability is shotty at best for a few days. Please bear with me!

I will barter for a new laptop. I'm looking for something with a really good video card and that is capable of performing for pc games such as WoW or other extravagent pc gaming. Or-a super wonderful person that might could help me out with a new video card and a discreet tech that can install it (very important they are discreet, due to the sensitive pics and content that is on my pc). Any advice for a tech, or any gentleman looking for a barter please call me!

Kisskiss luvluv,