Shall we play a game? - innuendo City

Shall we, limited in scope simply to this thread, play a game? The game is called "Innuendo City" and, limited to this thread with no malice directed to a specific person, list the innuendo's and back channel chatter that is supposedly flying around the board and hobby community in Austin?

rekcaSxT suggested that this is needed to purge the bad feelings, get things out in the open, and stop the distractions going on. Should you not choose to play the game please post "I choose not to play" However, if you choose to play the rules are simple.....

1.) Unless you can and DO cite specific proof and forward said proof to a moderator, you CANNOT name names or make it obvious as to who you are talking about.

2.) If no proof provided, the moderators can delete your post if specific to a person...and, if you think the innuendo is about you that is simply a product of your imagination as this is a fantasy board with no bearing on real life. That is to say, these stories are not based on actual events

3.) Innuendo's, unfounded facts, wild rumours, back channel chatter are all legitimate topics...again, see simple rule #1

4.) BE CIVIL - if you don't like this Game, talk to rekcaSxT as I'm just a facilitator (ok, some of you may be calling me a pot-stirrer, feel free to post that - AGAIN, see Rule #1 and yes, this post counts as proof

Simple enough? Think we can all purge our system and get back to the basic mission of Eccie? Escort Client Community information Exhcange and a place for like "hobby" people to hang out to share common experiences, ads, and reviews? A place where sex (again, in this fantasy land) is for fun and we stop worrying about what is going on over the neighbor's fence?

Or maybe I'm full of crap Either way, this is the chance to purge or forever hold your peace!
Guess I should start with two examples...

Local hobbyiest takes it upon himself to warn visiting providers that Austin has a reputation for wk's ncns to keep their atf's market share up, same atf providers don't provide references, and basically there is a provider mafia in Austin focused on price fixing. rekcaSxT actually did so in posts here on the board - did not email to Mod's as it is available for all to read.

Can you believe that according to back channel discussions there are providers that offer bb fs?
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Guess I should start with two examples...

Local hobbyiest takes it upon himself to warn visiting providers that Austin has a reputation for wk's ncns to keep their atf's market share up, same atf providers don't provide references, and basically there is a provider mafia in Austin focused on price fixing. rekcaSxT actually did so in posts here on the board - did not email to Mod's as it is available for all to read.

Can you believe that according to back channel discussions there are providers that offer bb fs? Originally Posted by dammit
I will answer you on what is directed at me. Some of it is correct, some incorrect.

I warned 1 provider that I had been trying to see for a few months that she might have a hard time getting references. I also mentioned that I had heard about the ncns situation as well. I was hoping this would help her in her time here, not hurt her. We met, had a session and things went well.

Did I ever mention a "provider mafia"? No. Like I have said before "ATTA" was something I was barely aware of and I was unaware of how big this group was until today, well yesterday it is after midnight.

And once again I never said anything here about price fixing. I even asked for clarification on what people meant exactly.

This is really cute Dammit, but seriously. What is YOUR agenda? You sure are taking some things personally. And I find you hijacking Rachel's thread lacking in taste. Several people were trying to help her and you turned it into a vehicle for your own personal vendetta.

I can see this thread going nowhere. You are trying to get me into a flame war I think. Good luck. If there are no more developments this should be all I have to say on this.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 03-10-2010, 11:39 PM
And yet another thread??

Might as well put up the warning now...


Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.
KosherCowboy's Avatar
Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it. Originally Posted by Mokoa
Mokoa, back in 8th grade history/civics class I was a wise ass, raised my hand and stood up as I we did when students asked a question and asked our teacher ' why do we study this past, it's over, teach us what we need to know for the present'

and her calm response without malice towards me was "Because if we don't learn from history, the mistakes we and others made will repeat itself (themselves) "

The class laughed at me, I took my seat with my face bright red and my tail between my legs and to this day Mrs. XXXX's reply not only holds true, it put me in my place, I became a history buff, was one of the few to get an ' A' and have never forgotten what she said..May she rest in peace, what she said holds true today and will until man(women) cease to exist millions of years from now.

Thanks for the reminder, a most excellent statement/post....

Dammitt, last night you hijacked Rachel's thread in an obvious, blatant and gross manner and know this. Others tried prior to both your posts to attempt to put this all to rest, I think you should with all due respect do the same. If you have your own agenda by all means just come out and say it, otherwise, put a lid on it and call the garbage company to remove the dumpster, just don't complain if that dumpster starts to overflow with trash and stink worse. You clearly are trying ( or want) this bickering to continue, game over, no need for overtime.

Go read this thread; The only one continuing the mud slinging is you. And polluting the waters of Rachel's thread was truly uncalled and one of the worst hijacks I've seen on this board with absolutely poor timing. We had more hours of calm and peace last night than we have had in weeks maybe months, until this. Give it up, get a cup of coffee and enjoy your day.

Today is a new day, perhaps a fresh start for the members and a day for re-unification of the kommunity, think about it and at least consider putting ' your gun' down, it seems the rest of the community has chosen to do so. Please join us.
Mokoa, back in 8th grade history/civics class I was a wise ass, raised my hand and stood up as I we did when students asked a question and asked our teacher ' why do we study this past, it's over, teach us what we need to know for the present'

and her calm response without malice towards me was "Because if we don't learn from history, the mistakes we and others made will repeat itself (themselves) "

The class laughed at me, I took my seat with my face bright red and my tail between my legs and to this day Mrs. XXXX's reply not only holds true, it put me in my place, I became a history buff, was one of the few to get an ' A' and have never forgotten what she said..May she rest in peace, what she said holds true today and will until man(women) cease to exist millions of years from now.

Thanks for the reminder, a most excellent statement/post....

Dammitt, last night you hijacked Rachel's thread in an obvious, blatant and gross manner and now this. Others tried prior to both your posts to attempt to put this all to rest, I think you should with all due respect do the same. If you have your own agenda by all means just come out and say it, otherwise, put a lid on it and call the garbage company to remove the dumpster, just don't complain if that dumpster starts to overflow with trash and stink worse. You clearly are trying ( or want) this bickering to continue, game over, no need for overtime.

Go read this thread; The only one continuing the mud slinging is you. And polluting the waters of Rachel's thread was truly uncalled and one of the worst hijacks I've seen on this board with absolutely poor timing. We had more hours of calm and peace last night than we have had in weeks maybe months, until this. Give it up, get a cup of coffee and enjoy your day.

Today is a new day, perhaps a fresh start for the members and a day for re-unification of the kommunity, think about it and at least consider putting ' your gun' down, it seems the rest of the community has chosen to do so. Please join us. Originally Posted by KosherCowboy
As usual,Kosher hit the nail on the head. Dammit if you're looking to stir up shit, drive your pickup in East Austin at night with "Dixie" blaring on your truck boom box.
TopWhop's Avatar
Have we not beat this too death yet Dammit? Lets all move on please, this BS is not conducive to the purpose or object of this site. If someone has issues use your PM option. The majority of us are looking forward to some fregging positivistic karma around here!!! You are screwing up the “mojo” of many guys-girls!! Have a nice day !!
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
This is really cute Dammit, but seriously. What is YOUR agenda? Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
Dammit's just a pot stirrer. You pot stirrer, Dammit! But at least y'all aren't talking about me anymore. Hmmmm, is that your agenda, Dammit Are you just a PW WK who is trying to redirect negative attention on to yourself ? Interesting................... but still just stirring that pot.
Agenda? Nope. Pot stirring, maybe a little

Lets say it was more like a social experiment on the board. I had a hypothesis, tested it, and based on the reactions have drawn my own conclusions

Interestingly enough, on the Rachel thread, while a bit of pot stirring, I had provided three specific suggestions she could do before her next trip. Two were very negative and echoed the current mood of the board, and one was a very light-hearted, positive, upbeat suggestion. I had hypothesized that no one were acknowledge the positive suggestion and instead the board members (not all, but a few) would instantly gang up on the poster (in this case me).

Was I correct? Yup Was there one reponse that said - those first 2 suggestions were horrible and stirred the pot but the third was spot on? Nope

Mods - my experiment is complete, should you desire to delete this thread or lock it, have at it.
KosherCowboy's Avatar
I had hypothesized that no one were acknowledge the positive suggestion and instead the board members (not all, but a few) would instantly gang up on the poster (in this case me).

Mods - my experiment is complete, should you desire to delete this thread or lock it, have at it. Originally Posted by dammit
You are still pointing the finger and spinning the replies made to you. Let it end. It's posts/threads like this that serve as ' self posted alerts' that help men and ladies alike see the personality and traits of individual posters/members.

The Mods will do what they want, I hope they do not remove it but your request is typical of what posters who screw up for years have done, beg for deletion or locking. Perhaps the mods here will cut you a break and do so in the spirit of a new beginning. Perhaps not. In the meantime, several are reading it.

If it was truly an experiment on Rachel's thread ( using an innocent female out of towner struggling) than you would not have started this thread today as your experiment per your own words and admission ended last night. When an experiment ends and the results are in ( as you claim); another one need not be conducted for the same purpose the very next day.

It's not a case of a ' little' pot stirring, it's a case of 100% pot stirring and now spinning it back to others to justify this hogwash thread, this thread would not exist if your claim of ' experiment' was true and not spin. This is just a continuance of pot stirring while others including myself are trying to cap it.
nickjaguar's Avatar
I may be new to this site but I know what I know and it sure looks like Dammit is a straight up TOOL.
Guest062716's Avatar
This thread is closed, per request of OP (Original Poster).

NickJaguar... check you have mail.

