I appreciate the support ladies and gentlemen

john_galt's Avatar
There has been a lot of talk from people like Catnipper and Longermonger, trash talk. Let me just say they didn't get any part of my ass. Their whiffle balls lack the power to do any damage. I appreciate the suppport from some of you and liberal or conservative you understand how to discuss. I have always enjoyed discussing religion with muslims, jews, and atheists. I like to talk race relations with black, hispanic, and asian people. I talk politics with self professed communists. As long as someone (pay attention) is smart enough not to take it personally, and honest not to try to put words in your mouth or twist your words then everything is good.

Since this is turning into a pissing contest; I do go to KU and I went to Park. I also went to the University of North Florida, Three Rivers in CT or Mohegan as it was known then. I have also attended Maple Woods, Longview, Penn Valley, and the Business and Technology Center.

I joined the Navy when I was 17 years old and I got a 99 on my ASVAB before I joined and a perfect score after I got to boot camp. I attended an advanced technical school (have to leave something to the imagination) in Orlando, FL.

I have taken classes in business, electrical technology, history, math, and political science. I have thought about taking some law classes for the fun of it. In two semesters I will achieve a milestone and then I will start on a new goal. If you're still interested I have in excess of 220 credit hours (do the math).

I could go into detail and swing it around for everyone to ooohhhh over but my words can stand on their own. I toyed with liberalism when I was 13 but I figured out the fatal flaws before I was 14. I read Atlas Shrugged for fun when I was in junior high.

I liked the little fencing thing. I fenced when I was younger. Epee and foil.

Now maybe we can talk about the topics and not engage in unwarranted, cowardly, and self-demeaning personal attacks.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
dude just get you dick sucked & forget what anybody says this site is just for fun I don't like some things you say but it makes me think about the things I do so fuck em keep saying & doing what you type
Question in my mind is how many who read this and comment know who John Galt really is ? Not the guy behind the avatar but the Name John Galt and who created him?
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 06-10-2010, 07:43 AM
For those that don't know where the name comes from, here ya go...

I read and respect what you write, but i may not agree with you 100% of the time. However, as only Cheaper can put it, this is about fun and discussion so keep it up and don't let anyone get you down. I, for one, appreciate your posts and they often make me think about my positions i.e. doggie or lazy doggie.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Golly JG, you sure is smart. That is one outstanding rezoomay. As for myself, I opted to leave school in the 2th grade because my parents convinced me that I didn't need no fancy book learning. I am proud to say that I returned 42 years later to continue my edgumacation and I am currently in the 4th grade (only took me 6 years). I rock the dodgeball courts by the way. My parents would roll over in their graves if they knew I went back to school. They never thought that the high fa-looting world of lerning would lead anywhere. Boy was they wrong. I am currently employed at the largest Fortune 500 company. Ok, I'll clarify. I am a part-time cashier at Walmart (I work one four hour shift a week). If my parents only knew I worked with numbers maybe they would realized that school is good. With the grace of God, I should be able to retire, get Social Security, and graduate the 8th grade in the same year.

I guess my question to you JG is why you feel the need to give everyone your resume? Do you think this makes you intellectually superior to everyone else here because you have over 220 college credit hours? It would come across as bragging to me if I didn't realize that you could almost have a couple of doctorates by now with the number of hours you have taken. Honestly, if you were there to just truly learn, you would take the courses as audit courses and not for credit. But alas, you wouldn't be able to add this to your resume if you did not and somehow feel superior to those on a hobby website. Congratulations JG. Hopefully you didn't hurt yourself patting yourself on the back while writing your post.
dirty dog's Avatar
Papa if you look you will find that Catnip questioned his education and how he was obtaining it in a previous post I believe the oil spill thread.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Papa if you look you will find that Catnip questioned his education and how he was obtaining it in a previous post I believe the oil spill thread. Originally Posted by dirty dog
What Cat posted was because of a post of JG asking if LM would call him doctor in a couple of years. Another example of patting oneself on the back and making sure everyone knew of his academic status.
You guys bicker like bitches.
No offense intended
It's actually slightly amusing.
BiggestBest's Avatar
Seems like every thread turns into a dick measuring contest between all of these guys. Finally here's an honest thread about it. Now, if the others will post their backgrounds here, we can have a real competition.

The good news is that, if there are any other narcissistic (dick measuring) comments in other threads, we can direct them here immediately. That way we can pile all the BS in one place instead of stinking up the whole Sandbox and/or board. Wouldn't that be nice?

The highly respected (if less-educated) Cheaper has once again summarized the situation perfectly. There is nothing that a good BBBJ won't fix. Dude, I am always impressed by your grasp of the core issue.
dirty dog's Avatar
Just which guys are you referring to BB.
Seems like every thread turns into a dick measuring contest between all of these guys. Finally here's an honest thread about it. Now, if the others will post their backgrounds here, we can have a real competition.

The good news is that, if there are any other narcissistic (dick measuring) comments in other threads, we can direct them here immediately. That way we can pile all the BS in one place instead of stinking up the whole Sandbox and/or board. Wouldn't that be nice?

The highly respected (if less-educated) Cheaper has once again summarized the situation perfectly. There is nothing that a good BBBJ won't fix. Dude, I am always impressed by your grasp of the core issue. Originally Posted by BiggestBest
I have a bigger dick than all of them, anyway...and it vibrates!!!
BiggestBest's Avatar
Just which guys are you referring to BB. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Anyone who wants to be in a pissing and/or dick-measuring contest can enter here. You can encourage others to join, but the contest is self-nominating.

Take a piece of advice, take a break from this thread while you're some what ahead.

If this is going to turn in a "who has the bigger dick contest" can I be the judge?
BiggestBest's Avatar
It's good to see you back and feeling better, Elena.