Is it disrespectful for a lady to make light of our jobs?

Hercules's Avatar
A lady made kind of a smart assed quip about my job being not very sexy. At first I just laughed it off. But the more I think about it the more pissed I get since my not-so-sexy job pays the bills. One of which is her.

Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
one of my fave songs:

i'm a doctor
i'm a lawyer
i'm a movie star
i'm an astronaut
and i own this bar...
i'd lie to you for your love.

i'm guessing your job does not fall into those categories... mine does not either.

bigmarv's Avatar
The important thing is how do you feel about yourself and the job your doing. Don't ever worry about what someone else thinks. Your happiness and well being is all that matters. Just my .02 cents.
Nobody ever likes their Job. (well maybe movies stars do) but none of the rest of us do. I see no reason why anybody should be judgemental about another persons occupation
Hercules's Avatar
I see no reason why anybody should be judgemental about another persons occupation Originally Posted by omaha2dallas
That's kinda what's steaming me...I've never looked down my nose at her chosen profession.

Biting the hand that feeds the hand that feeds her.
Suite270's Avatar
Job Satisfaction is EVERYTHING. Of course, it has to pay well, too (and there is always a happy median).

...and... You could have done the same with her profession (but don't lower yourself to that level).
Paul_Crewe's Avatar
So pony up , who was it?
People still take jobs because they're "sexy"? Too bad sexy jobs don't pay for shit.

Cowboys? Broke and disappearing.

Musicians and artists? WAAAAAAAAAAY more of them are starving then have concerts at Red Rocks or openings at the MOMA.

Pilots? All getting laid off.

Soldiers? I was one and I can testify: we didn't make SHIT. There's a reason there's a WIC office on every major military installation. Our wives and children qualified.

Firefighters? Are you kidding me?

So would you rather have a job that's sexy or one that gets you paid?

As for a provider knocking your job, maybe she was giving you the FULL GFE?
Tyler1189's Avatar
I wouldn't sweat it Herc. You have enough left over to buy sex, and not a lot of people in this economy can even pay their bills. So maybe to her welfare is sexy? Or does she hang out on the corner of a fire station?
A lady made kind of a smart assed quip about my job being not very sexy. At first I just laughed it off. But the more I think about it the more pissed I get since my not-so-sexy job pays the bills. One of which is her.

Thoughts? Originally Posted by Hercules
What exactly did she say? If it was just that your job is not very sexy, well, she's probably just telling the truth. Very few people's jobs, including mine, are "sexy." She may have just been trying to make a joke or it was just an off-hand observation and I wouldn't take offense. Or, did she really put down what you do for a living and demean your work? Then, I would be pissed. So much depends on what she said and how she said it and what she's like. I generally try to give people the benefit of the doubt, however, if it's ambiguous.
  • npita
  • 03-31-2010, 04:15 PM
A lady made kind of a smart assed quip about my job being not very sexy. Originally Posted by Hercules
I'm a physicist and I've heard that for as long as I can remember. I can even understand why, to some extent. What counts is what you think of your job.
Secret Horned Frog's Avatar
You handled it with a lot of class by not making a drama situation out it. You really have to assess the situation to see if she was joking and just having small talk or was intended to be insulting. Unless you met her off the backpage, there is a good chance she will read this thread. If she contacts you afterward and apologizes, I might give her a chance to make up to you. If you are totally put off by her, don't answer any contact by her or politely tell her that you have moved on to other ladies because of what happened. Whatever you decide to do, just make sure you are making your decision using your head that is on the top part of your body rather than the one between your legs.

There are two golden rules that apply in the hobby.

1) Treat others the way you would want to be treated.

2) When there is any controversy, the person that has the gold can make the rules.
I think its really no different than some one on here calling us Bitches, whores....etc. Its never nice to be put down or feel disrespected.
Herc.. Let her know exactly how you feel... Don't ever call her again...
Chevalier's Avatar
Nobody ever likes their Job. (well maybe movies stars do) but none of the rest of us do. Originally Posted by omaha2dallas
I do. Not enough to do it if I weren't paid, but I enjoy it.

Of course, I also realize that 99.993% of the population would hate it and/or think it was deadly boring. Definitely not sexy. They're just wrong.