When Do Conversations Become Too Personal?

!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Hi Everybody!

My name is Morgan(http://eroticmorgan.com). I am new to Eccie!

As a provider, part of my job is to listen to my clients and sort of let them "vent". You guys talk about some very personal things sometimes, and that is your choice. Hell, its your party, you can cry if you want to! The thing is, all to often, clients begin to ask me personal questions, questions I do not care to answer.

I think we are suppose to provide a fantasy to clients. I prefer you to think I am a sex goddess that lives in the clouds and occasionally descends to provide pleasure to mortals.

I want to know how my fellow providers feel about answering personal questions. Also, how do clients feel when a provider does not answer such questions? When we do answer, does it change how you view us?

K, thanks! Have an awesome day!!!

i guess my thing is i enjoy conversation, drinks, then the fun....i'm usually pretty open, although i don't like to get too personal or vent really because who wants to be a debbie downer....i just tend to goof off and let the conversation flow as long as we're both talking....

i worry sometimes that i don't want to ask something too personal, but not really being much of a pro in this hobby, i don't knwo what kinds of questions are too personal?
I personally don't mind being asked personal questions, and if I feel it is too personal or would compromise my security or safety, I just tell them I am not comfortable discussing whatever it is they are asking. But in general, I am an open book. I wouldn't necessarily discuss private or personal information with someone I just met, but if it's a gentleman that I have seen on a semi regular basis, it's not a problem to me.
I enjoy having a friendship with the guys I see, and sharing things about myself is a part of that friendship. They are still able to have their fantasy time, and I feel that having that kind of open communication is very conducive to a great session. I'm Über GFE though so that's just what works for me.
A fine question Morgan. I think you share what you are comfortable with. My experience, I am a big Teddy Bear, so I get to hear a lot. Not always good...

But it does not bother me if you defer the question with a nice "Maybe we can talk about that when I know you better, I prefer not to share my personal info with everyone" or something like that.

S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 04-05-2010, 11:46 AM
But it does not bother me if you defer the question with a nice "Maybe we can talk about that when I know you better, I prefer not to share my personal info with everyone" or something like that. Originally Posted by PurplePussyEater
The responses PPE suggested gets the job done without affecting the
rest of the appointment.
I tend to share personal information about myself and providers tend to share personal information about themselves with me. Mostly, it is just being friendly and getting to know one another and finding common ground, just like you would on a real world first date. If you can develop a bit of a connection, I think it enhances the rest of the time together.

So, on the one hand, if a provider won't share anything about herself, it's difficult to develop the sort of connection that makes one want to repeat. On the other hand, I certainly understand that there are limits to the client-provider relationship and would never expect a gal to disclose more intimate details or anything she is not comfortable sharing.

For example, I was chatting with a provider at the beginning of a session and we found out we had both waited tables in the past. That led to some mutual laughs and fun and interesting conversation about our experiences. I told her where I had worked and asked where she had worked. She politely declined to tell me because she said she still worked there on occasion. I don't think I crossed a line in asking because I didn't know she was still working there, and I completely understood her response and wouldn't hold it against her in the least.
travelling_man's Avatar
OR - make up a good story about your past and stick with it. I've known girls that have done that. Some have pretended to own a company in the past or done an interesting job where they actually knew something about it in case they were asked.
I have never minded personal questions either. I guess if someone were to ask me for my social security number or something, I might not be willing to share but I can't think of anything else that I wouldn't discuss.

I try not to ASK too personal of questions though.
I agree with pretty much everybody. LOL If you would like me to share with you please be willing to tell me something about you , It doesent have to be anything to personal, tell me about how you really love to play golf or how you really love football or about your favoriate team or whatever you want but give me something.
Sometimes I am to personal, giving out way to much information. I know, shame, shame. I just like to get to know everybody that i see and i like for them to get to know me as well. I think sometimes they want to say okay Tara, shut up now.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I usually try to be just me.....guess I could tell my gents a bunch of crap about me, but ya gotta put a bunch of energy and thought into keeping up with fibs or white lies....I just ain't got the time or inclination for that. So I guess, what ya see is what ya get...
TinMan's Avatar
I prefer the girl to be coy or vague in her response, vs. the outright lie. I take the hint pretty easily, and can understand why a provider would not want to share private information with me, as I do the same.

OTOH, I'm amazed at the unsolicited personal information girls do share with me. I tend not to ask questions I wouldn't want to be asked myself...but some folks just feel the need to share, I guess. Fortunately for them, I have a lousy memory.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'm with TinMan. I rarely talk about myself of my business unless asked. But I am shocked by number of providers that tell me detail after detail about their life with no prodding from me. Part of it is that I am a quiet person who is quite comfortable with silence. Some people aren't comfortable with silence so they just jabber away and say whatever pops into their head when you are quiet. But I'm still amazed that they talk so much about themselves rather than a neutral topic like what's been in the news or something like that.
You guys are right, there is a fine line between answering personal questions and telling your life story in an hour!

I try to only answer direct questions but sometimes probably say too much. Maybe we all do that sometimes, I don't know.

I don't ever want my clients to feel like I am placing them in the role of my therapist!

It's just a funny part of human nature sometimes when you have a "captive audience" to spill it all.

If I am ever saying TOO much, feel free to place something in my mouth, I take hints very well!
Tyler1189's Avatar
You ladies that say that, you maybe get too personal, are also reviewed as excellent GFE. I think openness helps the comfort level of the client.