You've seen them at the gas pump, E85, E10, and E15 blends which are the percentages of alcohol in your unleaded gasoline. Billions of taxpayer dollars have gone to support an industry that should not exist. The Congress has finally gotten the message and has began stripping support away in agriculture bills but the White House sneaks it back in again by other means.
Environmentalists have acknowledged that ethanol pollutes the atmosphere more than regular gasoline so it is a net negative for the environment. Engineers tells us that ethanol actually reduces engine life and performance for another net negative resulting in engines wearing out faster. The UN has implored the US to stop putting corn (a food staple) into our gas tanks to combat world hunger and rising food prices in this country. Another net negative effect.
Even Al Gore, the champion of the ethanol movement, has acknowledged he made a mistake. What mistake? He actually said that he supported ethanol for purely political motives as he was running for president.
Without the subsidy it would cost more to produce unleaded gasoline with ethanol and so it would stop then we can all go back to plain ole fashioned gas which would be cheaper without the additional blending.
So let me ask the question again of our self described environmentalists, why are we still putting ethanol in our cars?