Big Boobs is coming back

loneshark's Avatar

Seems like some guys liked her massage she is moving back
Petergozinya's Avatar
Saw that ad a couple days ago. Got an email from her about this time last year that she was supposedly moving back last May and would be offering massages. As you can see, she hasn't moved back yet so who knows if it will actually happen.
Meh, I probably won't be kicking her door in to get a massage and the "other" stuff again.. The second and last visit I had there I mentioned a vacation trip and she wanted to go with me.. I'm significantly younger and that's a little weird to me.. it was like desperation in a way. Nice juggs, but not much more to it. Just enjoyed those honkers and the HR. Other than that I wasn't terribly excited. It was an inexpensive experience and that's all.