What are you seeking?

Hi Ladies,

How are you doing?

It's Michelle here. I want to introduce myself to you as I just registered on this board.

Some of you may know of me, I've been training escorts how to become successful for several years now. Nothing makes me happier than to hear someone is succeeding & enjoying their career. That's the way it should be since it's such a personable profession. So, I hope business is doing well for you.

I do have a question...

I'm always brainstorming on ways to help people in the escort industry (both escorts & escort agency owners - maybe even clients), so please tell me what products & services do you need to succeed or just support you in the escort industry?

I have several I want to build, but I want to hear from you, what's missing that would help you that either isn't available now, or what is available isn't of quality?

You can PM me if you wish.

I hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend & I look forward to talking with you

fireproof's Avatar
Welcome to the board glad to have some one willing to help support the hobby.
Thank you for the welcome

Hope you are doing well.

Welcome, Michelle...

I intentionally keep somewhat of a low profile on eccie, however, I have a passion for protecting the privacy of clients and this community. It was this site (and not an escort book) that helped me "learn the ropes."

I'm assuming you are posting in business services with hopes of promoting the products offered in your signature links. I followed some of the links and while I am sure your services can be legitimate and helpful, I found the link to your "Outing blog" quite disturbing. This is only one of many example links for people who have pissed you off:

You include a disclaimer stating that these are simply your opinions, blah, blah, blah. However, it appears that you post REAL LIFE names and information. You have a right to run your website as you see fit, however, that activity is ABSOLUTELY forbidden here on ECCIE. I am not a MOD but pretty sure you will get banned in a heartbeat if you ever "out" an ECCIE member. Your personal opinions about escorts and agencies DO NOT (IMHO) warrant ruining people's lives.

I find this statement on your website VERY disturbing:

"If I catch wind of it, I may even post about escort agency owners or independent escorts who abuse their children, spouses/partners, or refuse to pay child support even though they are making money.
All and all, these are my opinions and you have the right to make your own judgments.I don’t lie, and I’m not here to get people into trouble.
I am here to try and clean up the escort industry and make it more respectable as it should be."

Michelle, DISCRETION is the cornerstone of a respectable and safe escort industry. Ladies, please beware when interacting with this company.
Wow, that IS disturbing.. Good catch, Rebecca!!
fireproof's Avatar
Wow Rebecca good eye. I've never noticed how some providers/women have a keen eye on detective work.
Not only should we screen each other, but screen/research companies as well. Good job, Rebecca!!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
You include a disclaimer stating that these are simply your opinions, blah, blah, blah. However, it appears that you post REAL LIFE names and information. You have a right to run your website as you see fit, however, that activity is ABSOLUTELY forbidden here on ECCIE. I am not a MOD but pretty sure you will get banned in a heartbeat if you ever "out" an ECCIE member. Your personal opinions about escorts and agencies DO NOT (IMHO) warrant ruining people's lives.

Michelle, DISCRETION is the cornerstone of a respectable and safe escort industry. Ladies, please beware when interacting with this company. Originally Posted by Rebecca Love
#5 - Outing or threats of outing are taken seriously. Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously.
Please familiarize yourself with the Forum Guidelines here, Michelle on what we expect from our members on THIS site http://www.eccie.net/announcement.php?f=5 You did agree to follow these when you signed up here.

Nuff said!
I understand you may disagree with my methods when I out fraudsters & nasty people, but I stand behind my decision.

What kind of agency wants to hire someone who treats people this way?
What kind of client wants to hire an escort who treats people this way?
Who wants to do business with someone who commits fraud or steals?

I have NEVER EVER outed anyone who's a real client (not even a non client) who is at least civil & nice. I would NEVER EVER do that & I'm known for my discretion, as that has been my middle name since I started in this industry back in 1989 & anyone who knows me, knows this about me. I understand you don't know me well yet, so I'm asking you to give me a chance instead of judging b/c I have a badlist.

Did anyone even bother to read the positive things my clients have to say?


Why only look at the negative? Why not look at the positive too?

So I'm not sure what I'm being warned about as I haven't done anything. If you feel you are a nasty person who throws temper tantrums, you play games or you commit fraud, then don't contact me, it's really very simple. I warn people about this on my site, as I don't want to encourage those types & don't want to do business with them anyway.

If you are a respectful kind person, I'd love to hear from you. You have nothing to worry about. I'm not here to out anyone. I would bend over backwards to help & support you.

Making it seem like I'm the villain here when all I do is help this industry & people isn't going to help anyone b/c this industry needs people who have made it their life goal to help make the escort industry better.

I've been in the escort industry for a very long time. If I was here to hurt people, I would have been gone a long time ago. That is NOT my intent, my intent is to help.

I hope people will understand that I just don't tolerate assholes. Never have, never will.

Thank you for listening.


I listened to your concerns & understand that some of you may not understand my point of view, so I took the site down. It won't go back up.

The last thing I want is to have positive people in the industry distrust me. I hope you will get to know me as a person & company first before judging. I am not a bad person (quite the contrary) even if it may seem that way when not understanding my methods at first glance.

Thank you
