What Makes a Provider/Session Special?

I think most regular Hobbyists eventually have a session that's memorable. Outisde of the obvious items (smokin' bod and/or Hoover-like oral abilities for instance) what makes for a memorable session?
It's like obscenity: it's difficult to define or quantify, but you know it when you see it (or experience it). Many, many variables are involved, but I do find that excellent kissing is always a part of the special visits. Solid conversation skills and a sense of humor also usually seem to find their way into the mix of the memorable ones, although I have had a couple "jump your bones at the door" experiences that were very "special" even if they didn't involve a whole heck of a lot in the way of introductory pleasantries.

FWIW, the last 5 "indys" on my review list have all provided special experiences (some of those 5 are reviewed more than once on my list, so don't just count to 5). That might be a good place for somebody to start if they're looking for something/someone "special."
daty/o's Avatar
Oddly enough, as I am in the hobby for variety, if I leave a session with the feeling that I cannot wait to see her again, it's memorable. Even if I don't end up repeating. It's nice to end an evening not feeling that the money could have been spent better.
A session is special and memorable when you know in your heart that she had just as great a time as you did. When you leave and Mike Tyson couldnt knock the stupid smile off your face and you have to think about something horrible to be able to face your SO.
elgato111's Avatar
For me a memorable session is one where from the moment I walk in the door she makes me think that this is not business but 2 good friends meeting because they enjoy each others' company. Nothing makes we want more than a girl who is interesting to talk to both before and after BCD. And if the BCD is more than expected there is no way I can forget her. My ATF is just that kind of woman, loves talking about everything and knows just what makes us both happy between the sheets.
It's nice to end an evening not feeling that the money could have been spent better. Originally Posted by daty/o
Man, that's well said.
sroach23's Avatar
you already mentioned what makes it memorable: hoover abilities.
pyramider's Avatar
The session is always special once the ladies quit laughing at me after I have undressed.
+1 elgato111
it works the same on our end too!
Red Tex's Avatar
When she says that I am so good she will never see other men again, hands me back her donation and all her other money because I was so fuvking awesome!
  • Caleb
  • 07-13-2012, 12:31 AM
For me, the simple answer is chemistry. And although I was a miserable chemistry student in college, I do recall that the study of chemistry involved combining elements through some formula. Though the formulaic mix of the following elements has varied greatly in making of memorable sessions with some very special providers, these elements were all present in each:

a) Pre -session communication: This has come in many forms - voice, text, email, chat, pm... The common thread is that effort to get to know each other was made by both the provider and myself. I am a huge fan of wit and intelligence. When wit and intelligence are combined with enthusiasm and interest, I begin to get the feeling that a very special meeting is about to occur.

b) Preparation: I have found that the more I know about the person I am going to meet, the more likely I will actually be able to hold a conversation with them when we do meet. If I take the time to learn a bit about her interests, likes/dislikes, etc. it pays off greatly. I also greatly appreciate the ladies who do the same. I recently had a fabulous session where the playroom was readied with great care and great memory - a couple of things were available as a direct result of a conversation we shared at the end of a previous session. The result of her efforts was an amazingly memorable session, for me at least.

c) The Main Event: Don’t know how to predict the resultant chemistry here, except to say that if the first two things are done well, there seems to be a greater chance of a mind blowing reaction. Communication is enormously helpful, even just the simple question “does that feel good?”. The better that I am in letting her know what I want, or in reacting to what feels good by saying “that feels amazing” or the more carnal grunts and groans, the less she has to read my mind. The inverse is also true. I’m not always the quickest study, and it has taken some time for me to learn, but I am convinced that my partner touches me in a manner that would feel good to her, especially if we have never played together before. Matching her touch has led to awesome encounters. I have also found that just because it starts soft and gentle doesn’t mean it ends that way. The truly special ladies are amazing tour guides. When I tell her what I want to see, she will make it so (within reason, of course).

d) The Happy Dance: Every truly memorable session ends with celebration. Singing and chair dancing in the car, the “I just got my brains fucked out” smile that won’t go away, the feeling of “did that really just happen?”, and general euphoria.

e) Post-session Communication: Two of the greatest words in the English language “Thank you”. Feels great to say them, feels great to hear them. In one direction or the other, or both, these words have been said after every memorable session that I have had. With the really special ladies, the line between post session communication and pre-session communication for the next round seems to blur. Perhaps that is the hobby equivalent of a chemical chain reaction.

The odds of a truly mind-blowing memorable experience seem to be greatly increased in multiple visit scenarios. Get the first time jitters out of the way, and the chemistry can really build.
pyramider's Avatar
When she says that I am so good she will never see other men again, hands me back her donation and all her other money because I was so fuvking awesome! Originally Posted by Red Tex
Her version ... He was so bad, his money was refunded and caused her to go lesbo.
I have really enjoyed my last several appointments. I appreciate a gal who will pre-flirt through PM or whatever, chats with you to get you comfortable and then takes you for a wild ride. You feel kind of a high when you get done, and she makes you feel like a good lover. I know I am no good in the sack, but flattery which is sincerely well faked will get you everywhere.
Her version ... He was so bad, his money was refunded and caused her to go lesbo. Originally Posted by pyramider
you been reading my email again?
Although there are many facets to my memorable visits, the one thing which stands out in ALL of them is what happened after the fun and games were over. Cuddling, chatting, touching and such, as well as not feeling a need to get out the door at a certain time.

Not taking advantage by hanging around forever, but just a comfortable feeling that this wasn't simply a Wham Bam encounter by either party. It also usually includes a bit of text or email pleasantries afterwards, just something to make it feel like they want to see you again at least partly because they had fun.

Plus most of the other things mentioned above....