sympleman's Avatar
Little Johnny was walking with his dad across the farm. They went out near the pasture and saw a bull and a cow going at it.

Little Jonny asked "Dad, What is that bull doing to that cow?"

To which dad replied "Well son, they are making a calf."

The day progressed and they were coming out of the barn and little Johnny spied 2 dogs stuck together mating.

Little Johnny looked up and asked "Dad what is that dog doing to that other dog?"

Dad said "Well son, they are making puppies."

Later that night after everyone was in bed, a big storm came and the thunder and lightning were scaring little Johnny. He decided to go wake his parents.

He opened the door to find his father on top of his mother humping away.

He was a bit shocked and asked "Dad what are you doing to mom?"

His dad patiently replied "well son me and your mom are making you a little brother."

Little Johnny paused and thought and replied....

"Well turn her over I want more puppies!"

ps. sympleman - I love your avatar babe!! LOL
82Vinny's Avatar
That is way Cute!!!!!!! LOL Turn her over I more pupies!! LMAO
sympleman's Avatar
ps. sympleman - I love your avatar babe!! LOL Originally Posted by littlemissk27

Well If you like my avatar...... Maybe someday I'll show you my signature line!
PAPA JOE's Avatar
yep !!! johnny knows !!! LMAO !!!
little johnnys a freak lol