
Please explain how could anyone allow that? Is anyone scared?
12blue4u's Avatar
I think he is afraid of STD's.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D.Blank
Apr 26, 2010
Welcome to the STD forum. Responding first to the title you chose for your question: STDs are not transmitted by kissing. Some STDs, but not others, are possible through oral sex. Still, oral sex -- even if unprotected -- is a lot less likely to result in STDs than vaginal or anal sex.

Now I have read the question itself. First, don't feel unusual or embarrassed by not using condoms or other barriers for oral sex. Very few people do that. And although the STD risk aren't zero, they are low enought that for the most part it doesn't much matter. Oral sex, even unprotected, generally is in the safe sex category. Having said that, people who are nervous about it and want 100% protection should consider condoms for fellatio (oral-penile contact) and dental dams or a sheet of food wrap for cunnilingus (oral-vaginal).

To your specific questions:

1) Kissing carries no STD risk. Nobody can say it is zero, and rare cases of syphilis have been transmitted by kissing. And oral herpes can and usually is transmitted by kissing, but that's not considered an STD.

2) Unprotected fellatio can result basically in 3 STDs in men: Herpes due to HSV-1, if the oral partner has an active case of oral herpes; gonorrhea, which is uncommon but certainly happens; nongonococcal urethritis (NGU), which sometimes may be due not to an STD per se but to entirely normal oral bacteria. Of these, NGU is probably the most common; herpes and gonorrhea are rare. Chlamydia, HSV-2, and HPV are rarely if ever transmitted by oral sex. And syphilis is so rare anyway that it's not a serious consideration. There probably have been zero syphilis cases transmitted by kissing in the past few years (in the US).

3) Vaginal to oral STD transmission is really rare. There are theoretical risks for gonorrhea, herpes (HSV-2), oral HPV infection, and perhaps others -- but in my busy STD clinic (15,000 patient visits per year) we rarely if ever see such a case.

Here is a thread that gives some of the biological reasons that STDs are transmitted in certain ways but not others. Please read it, starting with the follow-up comments that begin December 14:
Wow very good respond. Maybe next time I'll try that. Thank you Lady
HAHA.... Hey baby hold still while I apply some cling wrap to your vag... Wow that would kill a mood.. Good info though, thanks!

Lady Y, as always you made another contribution. Thanks so much.
Great Response Lady Y. I am bookmarking this thread for responses to STD questions.
There are so many threads on the board concerning STD's, the risks, etc.

Research is your friend:

There's risks in having any type of sex whether you're in the hobby or not. Hell, most people who aren't in the hobby get STD's probably more than an escort who knows how to take care of herself.

As long as you keep yourself healthy, stick with ladies who have good reputations and never be afraid to ask a lady if she gets regular check should be fine.