Congressional Committee Probe Clears Obama Administration on Benghazi Attack

flghtr65's Avatar
A congressional probe by the intelligence committee clears the Obama Administration of wrong doing in the Benghazi attack. The Eccie repubtards can shut up about Benghazi now.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You didn't report the whole story (why am I not surprised). Gowdy says that he needs the intelligence accessment to finish up his committee hearings. You see, there is more than one committee looking into this. The one you are referring to has Rep. Clyburn who has been running interference for the White House since the beginning. Of course, Gowdy is probably still waiting for the paperwork from the White House to explain what the hell was going on in Benghazi that night.
LexusLover's Avatar
Someone is reading headlines again and LEAPING to conclusions:

"The report did conclude, however, that the State Department diplomatic compound where Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed had inadequate security and had needed CIA assistance."

Why was their "inadequate security" and why wasn't "CIA assistance" provided?

The generally accepted "thought" now is that the video was no source of any "riot" and/or "demonstration" that got out of hand.

it was better for the Administration (and Hillarious) for their to be "inadequate assets' available for the "security" and "assistance" as an excuse for not providing it. There are live-videoed interviews with operatives on the ground who said they were ready to go, but were not given the order authorizing them to go immediately.

The report will "speak for itself" when completed and published, but the article itself raises a series of serious questions .... for the 2016 elections ... depending on who runs.
I'm not leaving, I'm just taking some time off. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

You didn't report the whole story (why am I not surprised). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I thought you were "taking some time off."

Did you already change your mind?

Or do you have a mind to change?
LexusLover's Avatar
I thought ..... Originally Posted by bigtex
The "flaw"! But it's the weekend, and "we" know what that means!
But it's the weekend, and "we" know what that means! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes we do know what that means! The weekend allows you to end your week as it began. As an arrogant, egotistical, condescending asswipe.

And if that's not enough, you also end the week as an Idiot. Once again, just as you began!

Do you see a pattern?
A congressional probe by the intelligence committee clears the Obama Administration of wrong doing in the Benghazi attack. The Eccie repubtards can shut up about Benghazi now. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Gruber? Is that you?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Nice try, but the fat lady is far from singing on this one...
I love it when Ozombies start Benghazi threads.
Yes we do know what that means! The weekend allows you to end your week as it began. As an arrogant, egotistical, condescending asswipe.

And if that's not enough, you also end the week as an Idiot. Once again, just as you began!

Do you see a pattern? Originally Posted by bigtex
I thought you were "taking some time off."

Did you already change your mind?

Or do you have a mind to change? Originally Posted by bigtex
Bixtex with the no regards for human life. nicely done
Bixtex with the no regards for human life. nicely done Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Is anyone surprised that the Patriarch of the LLIdiot Klan, errrr Clan quickly jumped to the defense of his Idiot offspring, JDIdiot?
Silly Ozombies, shit's just getting good!

TheDaliLama's Avatar
I love it when Ozombies start Benghazi threads. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Yes we do know what that means! The weekend allows you to end your week as it began. As an arrogant, egotistical, condescending asswipe.

And if that's not enough, you also end the week as an Idiot. Once again, just as you began!

Do you see a pattern? Originally Posted by bigtex
It means bigtex is probably drunck ..again....and is now talking to himself.....again.

It's ok to be a condescending asswipe bigtex. At least you can still wipe your own ass.
LexusLover's Avatar
At least you can still wipe your own ass. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Don't leap to "ASSumptions" ....

.... sounds like he's hitting Little Zany up for the JOB!