I had a session with a client who goes by the handle "Mroldman". He was traveling to Austin from Oklahoma City I believe. He contacted me 12/5 asking for a session for that night. It was very last minute but I asked what time he needed and he gave me a 2 hour frame (8:30-10:30). He only wanted a 30 minute session so I told him okay I would attempt to be there around 8:30. Before I left my house I texted him and let him know I was a few minutes behind that and I could be there in 35 minutes plus a stop for gas. He enthusiastically told me that was great and he'd see me then. 40 mins later at 9:10 PM I arrived to his hotel and got to his room. I knocked on the door but no answer. I started texting and calling him, still no answer. 10-15 mins later he texts me "sorry I'm downstairs talking to my boss." Okay?? I just waited on the bench by the elevators until he came back. When he approached me he says "my boss wants me to go have dinner with him so I don't know if I can see you now." I told him "I already drove all the way over here to see you, he can't wait 30 minutes?" He said "ok fine" and we went in the room. As soon as we get in his boss calls and he spends another 10 minutes on the phone discussing restaurant options in which time his boss apparently says to meet him downstairs in 15 mins. Finally the session begins. Here's where he really pissed me off - he started begging for bareback services telling me his recent results are clean and he can pull out blah blah blah.... I had to tell him no multiple times and finally told him I would leave if he asked again. So he finishes and then he started rushing me out saying he has to go meet his boss. So I get dressed and leave and that was that. A few weeks later (today) I log on to see he's written me a no review where he states that basically I'm ugly, a smoker, that I'm not the person in my photos, I cut our time short, and I was late and that I kept pushing my ETA back over and over again. All of which are untrue. I truly feel that he's upset he didn't get his way during the session and I stood my ground. I know some girls give in to the requests but I do not. I wish we could respond to our reviews because I have all the screenshots of our text thread to prove I'm telling the truth and he is not. But that's eccie for you!! Anyways if you care about your reputation, and your safety... avoid him!!!!!
It's another he said she said. I thought you have a couple bad reviews.. or comments. Either way u might just suck it up and get some good ones. The more u spend bitching about this one the more suspect it will seem. Jmo
OralPassion's Avatar
I posted in Hobart420's "Alert" that it wasn't really an alert.
For the sake of fairness - neither is this.
Your safety wasn't at risk and nothing you said indicates he's a safety-risk to the community.
If he forced bb on you then absolutely he's a risk and an Alert is in order.
But I'd bet he's not the first to ask you for bb and won't be the last.
Considering that so many Providers are stressing "no bbfs" in their ads and Showcases, Clients asking for it must be common.
Anyway, sorry Abbie, purely coincidence that I'm posting in your thread.
It just happened to follow Hobart's and I figured fairness dictates that since I commented in a Client's thread, I should also comment in a Provider's.

Mods, shouldn't these non-safety threads be moved to coed?...
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 12-20-2016, 09:09 AM
Not an alert... moved from Alerts to Coed Discussions.

I stand by everything I said! Feel free to post whatever conversation we had. I have never asked for BBFS and never will for my own safety so thanks for making all of that up. You have plenty of Yes reviews so mine shouldn't upset you. This was my experience and I won't lie about it just because you can make shit up and scare other providers from seeing me. Just take were late and I still agreed to meet. You are right the shortened time was on me BECAUSE you were late and I had plans...I said this in the review. I still paid what you asked. BTW - I'm not the first person you've seen that has said you were late and on "your way but need to stop for gas"

I just edited this post because I'm not gonna add fuel to the fire. I obviously hurt your feelings and for that I am sorry because that wasn't my intention. My intention was to provide an honest review based on my experience to help fellow hobbyists make an informed decision on how and who they spend their hard earned money on. It wasn't all bad you were super nice and and have some great skills and I acknowledged that. I think I'm done hobbying in Austin!
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Sadly Abby this is eccie4u. Be prepared for a lot of unwarranted attacks with underlining tone of "you brought this upon yourself". Many providers have spoken up or criticized the way reviews are handled on this site. Anyways try and pull yourself together and build up a very thick skin for the next couple days
Your gna need it.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 12-20-2016, 02:46 PM
Feel free to post whatever conversation we had. Originally Posted by Mroldman
Please don't:
#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.