For my friend Brandy

The premiss is our 2 ATFs compared us in a semi public forum and said some hurtful things about us in the process. So first of all I will say "I concede", Brandy gives the best bbbj and I know this cause I like to watch. I don't care, professionally, cause I have my own unique skills and you guys can talk about that stuff and any girl all you want. However, you guys made a mistake in getting into our personal life choices and as much as we adore you, "please don't make that mistake again!" And you inadvertently dragged us in the middle of your "yes" lack of maturity. We have decided to spank you *giggles*. Who sees who personally or professionally is a matter of individual choice and we are suppose to help one another so let's be a better hobby family. I don't care what your choices are, I don't care what Brandy's choices are and my choices are MY concern. I don't condemn you for your choices, any girl or guy for there choices and again... MY choices are MY concern- so mind your manners. I'll put it like this... if I don't want to see guys under 30, that's my preference. If she does, that's her preference. If a guy under 30 calls me, I will send him her way and hope they have a nice date. If she thinks a guy would be a good fit with me for whatever reason, she sends him my way. I don't judge her or have secret feelings that I hide from our friendship. Brandy is the lil sis I never had and I know she loves me too.

So Brandy, this is for you:

we are both lilly white with a freckle on our ass, just in different ways *winks*. I like being me and I like you just the way you are Sweety. Well, maybe not quite so sensitive to the dumbshit and I know you feel like I am not sensitive enough. But I will always "hug" you lil Sis; even after we are forced into ill discussions, get hurt feelings and feel each other's pain. The most important thing is maturity and I think we did pretty good with that one.

Now you guys know how I feel about you but I have no problems telling you "you are both wrong and those were asshole things to do". So what if one of you has a bigger slong and the other has a bigger wallet. Keep those things to yourself and you won't act like heathens. See the reverse there? Brandy nor I have ever cared to discuss these personal things about you and that is what this crap has stemmed from; whether you admit it or not. Play nice and get along or you're going in "time out" for being bad lil boys. Now, I am filing this under "stupid shit" and moving on!