SeekingArrangement girls

Anyone regularly get girls off SA? I had a couple in the last week and one was pretty good and one was just ok. Both a little more expensive than they should have been. One was a real trooper the other was try to get away with doing as little as she could get away with (she had a real nice body though).

My expectation is that girls get on there for a quick hit or two with rich guys that will overpay. I'd like to know if anyone else regularly gets girls from there and what there experience is.
we discuss a lot of girls here. Try to see if you find any. Would also help us if you link their profile. information exchange man
Do your search on SA looking for the body type, etc., which you prefer. Also, in specific language, try Open Minded, Submissive, Pleaser, and so forth.

I have met 4 women with whom I play with off there. All $200.00 per event. They are NOT the high end, GPS girls. They are normal, working, ( and sometimes married ) women who want something for nails, hair or shoes.

Any women I am interested in, I am very frank with my intentions. No beating around the topic. YOU will do this, and this is what you will be compensated with. I tell them where to meet me and that I will audition them for future consideration.

I have met some very good looking women off the site, but their needs, expectations are unrealistic, at least for me. I wish them luck. Something is better than nothing, and if they can get the $500 hour / $3K month allowance, then go for it. I don't believe they can, but so be it.

Good luck.
Bluesplyr's Avatar
lots of hot milfs on S.A. but you guys are right, some want the big bucks to play and membership on the site is not cheap. would really hate to have the Ashley Madison type leaks as well. you guys pretty successful on SA?
I'm curious if anyone ever tried a similar site called "What's Your Price?"
The girls seem a little less interested in finding a SD/SB relationship.
I have not taken the plunge yet.
JuanBear4U's Avatar
The girls on Wyp are all about the money. Very few are actually looking for relationships.
Not all of them are.
dfwfunguy1818's Avatar
My experience with WYP is when you select a girl you agree to x amount to meet them. Typically you want to meet for a drink, lunch etc... since you agreed to x amount - they get that amount on a public meet up, and then have a difficult time meeting them for anything else. Kind of a "one and done" scenario.

SA the experience has been good, however a LOT are way over priced and as CrashKopf said...If they can get it .. let them. I have noticed towards the end of the month their expectations seem a bit more realistic. Most of the SA girls need you to host. This isn't for all, but a majority.

This has been my experience, either way it is still fun meeting people.