What is your BEST or WORST of 2016?

BEST: Meeting some wonderful gentleman and hiding the sausage in my pie.!

WORST: Having surgery and getting a mild concussion after Christmas!

Missing the all you can eat cake buffet
WORST: 45$ cfs white gurl in FQ

BEST: that flaming green PN (Private Nastigram) from Fancy for recently bringing up her outing ban she thought everyone had forgotten....(priceless)
Fancyinheels's Avatar
WORST: 45$ cfs white gurl in FQ

BEST: that flaming green PN (Private Nastigram) from Fancy for recently bringing up her outing ban she thought everyone has forgotten....(priceless) Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
And I just reported you again for THIS bit of unprovoked harassment. Just stop. I've never even met you, thankfully, as your sustained "friendliness" with any lady seems conditional to her obsequious cowing down to you privately and publicly.

Wasn't even all that nasty (as opposed to some of the things I've seen spewed in the open forums), but feel free to forward said message to the mods for purvue and opinion. You deserved everything I said, you pretentious, hypocritical, selfish, mean-spirited, sarcastic, incitive, rapacious TROLL.

If my note was your BEST moment of 2016, I pity you, indeed.
Ima troll Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Leave the woman alone old man
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Getting back to the topic at hand...

WORST 2016 MOMENTS: My private incall flooded and I had to give it up after 5 years' effort turning it into my hussy homage to all things carnal and Celtic; my residence in the deep, dark, spooky woods was hit by a tornadic windstorm 10 days later and sustained major structural damage, also causing my critters to spaz out every time they hear thunder and the wind rising now; my website crashed; my computer fried; both a relative and a friend stepped off the mortal coil; my strawberry allergy flared up nearly to the point of hospitalization due to someone else's carelessness.

BEST 2016 MOMENTS: My pups looking worshipfully up, healthy and happy, from my lap every morning; the last nail going in the replaced roof at the Irish Chihuahua Refuge, assuring the inhabitants that they wouldn't have to sleep under a tarp anymore; 3 separate and awesome expense-paid excursions out of town with lovely, loyal, long-term regulars who thought I deserved a few breaks; watching DallasRain dance nekkid (except for red knee-high socks) to the flickering lights of the Christmas tree and the fireplace during a duo damsel delight date with a Bad Santa; midnight this past Saturday when another year turned over and I could be thankful for surviving the past one.

WHAT I LOOK FORWARD TO IN 2017: Finishing up the remodel of my home, as some previously undiscovered weather damage has made more repairs necessary; adopting another shelter pet, as 3 rescued chihuahuas just aren't enough; more travel, as I love road trips; meeting a few new gentleman for Fancy fun and fantasy, but my opportunities are, alas, lessening as life takes me a different but equally rewarding direction after a decade on the path to passionate pleasure.

May the year of head, ahem, AHEAD be beautiful and booty-ful for everyone!
Worst: Being stalked and followed (kinda scary)

Best: Stalking Is over (at least I think Its over)
I've had peace for at least a good 30 days now
DallasRain's Avatar
quote----watching DallasRain dance nekkid (except for red knee-high socks) to the flickering lights of the Christmas tree and the fireplace during a duo damsel delight date with a Bad Santa;

AWWWW I am blushing///I so luved playing "Bad Santa" with you my sexy lassie friend! You are so yummmy!!!!!

best: having some awesome adventures on my road trips! I have had the pleasure of knocking knees with some of the most best gents around...and some of the hottest gals too! I luv playing in the sheets!!

worst: my tour to the upper eastern midwest in november....ugghhhhh where was everybody hiding! LOL...at least I ended it up with a BIG BANG in Des Moines!!

Now my goal for 2017......play hard/fuck harder!!!!!

Best -Finding Seeking ~P and finding the most beautiful and exciting playmate I could imagine.

Worst- Finding out how much hate and envy cause so much drama when sisters should stand together.
Best - New friends, acquaintances and clients I have met.

Worst - A lot of move drama and being uncertain of my future for a couple of weeks in the summer. But it all worked out in the end!

Looking forward to a successful and happy new year ahead.
DoubleEagle's Avatar
Best of 2016: Reconnecting with a friend I lost contact with.
Worst of 2016: Lossing contact with that same friend.
SweetDulce's Avatar
Best---- meeting the most wonderfulJ hottie bebe best sex ever on the planet.
Worst---buying a new car because my old one was dying.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I'll keep my 100% work related ....

Best of 2016 = reconnecting with clients that I saw between 2008 & 2013 & hearing how fondly they thought of me & my services.

Worst of 2016 = "potential" clients with lots of questions & requests. They are always the ones that NCNS or simply never book, yet PM & text me frequently.

Also ... Clients that show up & tell me how our session should progress. I am Brooke. I am not XYZ. We (providers) all do things differently. Please appreciate me for who I am, while appreciating other providers for who they are. You don't bring your own steak & seasoning to a steak house, you arrive & trust them to do their job .... well please, let me do my job. I will maximize your hour & your relaxation. I got this
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Best: Fivesome with four hot young Eastern European girls at an FKK club in Germany.

Worst: not being able to bring them home with me
And I just reported you again for THIS bit of unprovoked harassment.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I was provoked by the op's question....ON TOPIC.

If my note was your BEST moment of 2016, I pity you, indeed.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Well....there might have been some better ones I need to be more discrete about.....kinda like Yummie's "Psssst.....no not you" method of tactfulness.

We can't be such blabber mouths about such private and intimate moments.

But I did enjoy that note. It was classic.

No....I won't rtm it. It's just a SHMB.