Hobby Phone Disasters

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
How do you play it off when this shit happens. You're in a meeting, at lunch, or talking to someone face to face. You previously placed your Hobby in your pocket and then all of a sudden you hear: "This is 911 what's your emergency"

dam shit done happened to me at least 3 times already. Then the person you're talking to says: "Hey what's that you dailed 911 but how?" "Where's that coming from?"

just a fucked up situation. lol
How do you accidentally dial 911 on a phone nowadays? Or are you still using an older key phone for your hobby phone?

This has never happened to me but people will sometimes ask me, "You have 2 phones?" I just tell them yes, one is for work.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Yes old trac phones. that aren't the flip variety so the keys are exposed. I paid like $10 for them and inclined to keep them for now.

and I have somewhat of an Asian gambling bookie ;-) so I have several that I use for multi-purposes but they're all key exposed.
Yes old trac phones. that aren't the flip variety so the keys are exposed. I paid like $10 for them and inclined to keep them for now. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Whatever works, I guess. My hobby phone is a smart phone, not the highest tech, but yeah. Just tell people you work for the mob and it's your burner phone, lols.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Whatever works, I guess. My hobby phone is a smart phone, not the highest tech, but yeah. Just tell people you work for the mob and it's your burner phone, lols. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston

Thus far I've used the bookie line and testing this phone for an Arab reseller doing business on the secondary market line.
Thus far I've used the bookie line and testing this phone for an Arab reseller doing business on the secondary market line. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Earlier today as I was sitting in bed and just ending a text conversation with a favorite gentleman friend at work, my dog Thor suddenly climbed up on my chest to do his morning mommy inspection and hit the dial button right before the fellow entered a meeting. "No, no, get down! Chihuahuas aren't mountain mutts!" I disconnected as soon as I noticed, hoping the circuit hadn't actually completed, but my gent heard and had time to phone back and ask me why my dog was calling him. "Does he need a number for a hot French poodle?"

Hopefully Thor won't learn to dial 911 for emergency Milk-Bone rations.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^ haha now thats funny. Thus far best of the new year. your dog making booty calls on your behalf
  • dmode
  • 01-03-2017, 01:35 PM
Luckily I have a way to avoid such embarrassments. Managing two phones sounds like a pain in the ass. Download Burner and you have an app that is basically a second phone. It's 5 bucks a month. All your texts and calls for your burner number work from within the app. Best of all, you can lock it and even turn off notifications and the ringer if you so choose. Best five bucks a month you will spend.


Sorry. No funny story but just a tip for yous guys.
Managing two phones sounds like a pain in the ass. Download Burner and you have an app that is basically a second phone. It's 5 bucks a month.
Originally Posted by dmode
For the occassional hobbyst, I agree that the Burner app is a great option. However, from the provider's side, I prefer to keep work and personal separate; even more so since I use my hobby phone to keep track of my work calendar, client deets, etc.
  • dmode
  • 01-03-2017, 03:03 PM
For the occassional hobbyst, I agree that the Burner app is a great option. However, from the provider's side, I prefer to keep work and personal separate; even more so since I use my hobby phone to keep track of my work calendar, client deets, etc. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
You make a good point. On our side, it is literally a hobby. On your side, it's a business that requires business tools. I'm a small business owner and tried to picture using burner for my company and it just wouldn't do. The app makes sense for the guys here but not necessarily all of the providers.

Sorry OP. I didn't intend to derail your thread.
You make a good point. On our side, it is literally a hobby. On your side, it's a business that requires business tools.

I'm a small business owner and tried to picture using burner for my company and it just wouldn't do. The app makes sense for the guys here but not necessarily all of the providers. Originally Posted by dmode
Yup. Bc I (and any provider) are basically "self-employed". One of my regular clients uses Burner and he was suggesting it to me; I considered it, but realized I wanted to keep everything separate.

And speaking of hobby phone disasters, 2 weeks ago my hobby phone got submerged and I thought it was gone for good and I hadn't backed up anything; yeah, I was pretty much losing my shit, but in the end I was able to save everything (yes, I learned my lesson and it is all backed up now!) Lols.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar

Sorry OP. I didn't intend to derail your thread. Originally Posted by dmode

Naw you good I'm not one of those cats that cares about that kinda shit....
another attention grabbing thread....give it up dude