NBC News Speaker Pelosi called military chief about 'unhinged' Trump's access to nuclear launch codes

  • oeb11
  • 01-08-2021, 11:29 AM
Speaker Pelosi called military chief about 'unhinged' Trump's access to nuclear launch codes

The California Democrat's move comes after calling for the vice president and Cabinet to remove Trump from office in the wake of his inciting his supporters to storm the Capitol on Wednesday in a deadly assault.
"This morning, I spoke to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike," she said in a letter to House Democrats.

  • "As you know, there is growing momentum around the invocation of the 25th Amendment, which would allow the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet to remove the President for his incitement of insurrection and the danger he still poses," Pelosi continued.

Many congressional Democrats, and at least one Republican, have called for removing the president immediately. The 25th Amendment of the Constitution allows the vice president and a majority of the executive Cabinet to force the president out by declaring him "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office." In that case, the vice president would take over.
If that fails, Pelosi said Congress will move to impeach and remove Trump for his "dangerous and seditious acts."
"If the President does not leave office imminently and willingly, the Congress will proceed

Typical nazi Pelosi - propaganda , HaTRED , Lies, and more -Pelosi propaganda and mind control Groupthink uber Alles!
of course - nazi p is just grandstanding as usual - out of sheer hatred. !!!
12 days - DPST's - until the socialist wet dream comes true for a socialist Amerika!
go ahead - come for the guns in Middle America - 18 million Ar-15's - and millions of other weapons to protect Americans against corrupt, venal, lying DPST marxist politicians.

The DPSR faux show blamed on the Conservatives - was just that- it was AntFa and OBLM organized, directed, and approved by the DPST leadership to de-stabilize the Government.

and even raided - carefully - nazi Pelosi's office and strew some papers to fake it.

Go ahead and stack the SC - and blame Trump - it is just DPST marxist takever.
Run by socilaists of NY and Kalifornia.

so - marxist DPST';s = come down to middle America to impose your DNC/CCP control - and see what happens!!! hater DPST's!

LOL - see what happens when Marxist DPST corruption tries to take over Middle America .
winn dixie's Avatar
Racism and fear mongering are the spineless tools of the left!
Yeah if you want to throw out words like "unhinged" or phrases like "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office", just wait until the next unhinged and proven brain dead DiPShiT gets his finger on the button ..... are all those who voted for this imbecile under the impression that once biden is in office, things are going to suddenly get any better? .....
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-08-2021, 11:48 AM
Racism and fear mongering are the spineless tools of the left! Originally Posted by winn dixie
After listening to Trump for the past 4+2 years you can say that with a straight face? Total BS. But you know that.
winn dixie's Avatar
These codes are fixing to be under the finger tips of someone who has dementia and anger issues. Then under 2 years when cumallah takes over. These codes will be under the finger tips of a whore that sold her body for the highest bidder for her own gain.
This whore sold herself. We cant trust her not to sell us out to our enemies!
GAWD dims are clueless hypocrites
winn dixie's Avatar
After listening to Trump for the past 4+2 years you can say that with a straight face? Total BS. But you know that. Originally Posted by Old-T
Hit close to home?

Baseless racism claims and fear mongering is what the libs have used for years!

Truth hurts!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Wouldn't be funny as hell if the US Marshalls showed up to arrest Nancy for SEDITION as that is what it is.
Lapdog's Avatar
These codes are fixing to be under the finger tips of someone who has dementia and anger issues. Then under 2 years when cumallah takes over. These codes will be under the finger tips of a whore that sold her body for the highest bidder for her own gain.
This whore sold herself. We cant trust her not to sell us out to our enemies!
GAWD dims are clueless hypocrites Originally Posted by winn dixie

Here's a thought for you, Einstein. Next time we have a presidential election coming up, how about fronting somebody more fucking qualified to be the president, just in case he wins? Or would you just rather piss and moan, like my ex-wife? Your complaints are falling on deaf ears, crybaby. Suck it up and deal with it. Grow a pair of balls.
Here's a thought for you, Einstein. Next time we have a presidential election coming up, how about fronting somebody more fucking qualified to be the president, just in case he wins? Or would you just rather piss and moan, like my ex-wife? Your complaints are falling on deaf ears, crybaby. Suck it up and deal with it. Grow a pair of balls. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Serious question: What qualifies someone to be president?

I keep asking this, and no one can ever give me an answer, it's just a toothless criticism people throw out at presidents they don't like.
Serious question: What qualifies someone to be president?

I keep asking this, and no one can ever give me an answer, it's just a toothless criticism people throw out at presidents they don't like. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
You have to be 35 and a "US Citizen." I put "US Citizen" in quotes not because of Obama but because of disagreement as too what "US Citizen" consists of. McCain was not born in the US for example but his parents were US citizens. Ted Cruz was born in Canada but at least one of his parents was a US citizen.

There's no other qualification.
winn dixie's Avatar
Thought i heard some yapping from the mystery machine?

Must have been moochelle pounding the kenyan
matchingmole's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Serious question: What qualifies someone to be president?

I keep asking this, and no one can ever give me an answer, it's just a toothless criticism people throw out at presidents they don't like. Originally Posted by GastonGlock

ArtII.S1.C5.1 Qualifications for the Presidency


Article II, Section 1, Clause 5:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

This phrasing followed the literal terms of British statutes, beginning in 1350, under which persons born abroad, whose parents were both British subjects, would enjoy the same rights of inheritance as those born in England; beginning with laws in 1709 and 1731, these statutes expressly provided that such persons were natural-born subjects of the crown.

Expect to vote your ass-off for president in four years. He can tag team with Mayor Pete to compete against Harris for a quick turnaround revolution. I'll still vote for Harris as of now. But she has to Do the Right Thing to earn my vote.


Jon Ossoff, first millennial US senator, knows his Star Wars characters


Democrat Jon Ossoff, 33, won the runoff election against Georgia Sen. David Perdue Tuesday night to become the youngest senator-elect since a 30-year-old Joe Biden in 1973. He's also the first ever millennial senator, if you consider millennial birth years to fall between 1981 and 1996 -- Ossoff was born in 1987. That means he grew up when youth was lived much more online than in years past, and his Twitter history reflects that.


Yssup Rider's Avatar
You think Trump pulled all that shit Wednesday because he didn’t want anybody talking about the shit that happened in Georgia on Tuesday?
matchingmole's Avatar