Seeing a police officer

onecouldbe's Avatar
I have a provider friend that has seen a guy three times and has not had any problems with him. The last visit she found out he was a cop in the dfw area. I told her she doesn't need to see him again but she doesn't see why she shouldn't. what do you think would you see a cop again if you had seen him before?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
If he has seen her 3 times and had sex with her- I don't know the risk could be- if he were working undercover- I don't think he would have had intercourse with her- 3 times at that I may add.
Only drawback I could see is if didn't get his way that he would threaten her- but I think damage is already done if she has seen him 3 times.
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
Cops are horny also
onecouldbe's Avatar
Another question if another provider tries to verify him what should she do? Should she just verify or let them know what she knows?
How did she find out he was a cop? Sometimes people tell you stuff cause they are fishing for some reason.
How did she find out he was a cop? Sometimes people tell you stuff cause they are fishing for some reason. Originally Posted by Truly Passion
This ^^^

The hobby is a fantasy, and a lot of hobbyists like to dole out fantasies of their own as to what they actually are/do in RL in the same way that we've had our fair share of providers in the past with doctoral degrees who couldn't spell "cat" if you spotted 'em the "c" and the "t." Which isn't to say we don't have our fair share of pretty ladies with advanced education, and a lot more than that who are very intelligent without the education. We do, but a lot of times the education and occupational claims are bullshit, and the same holds true for hobbyists holding themselves out to be doctors, lawyers, military (ex and otherwise), or even cops. Why do they do it? Beats me, but they do. And those doing so are not few in number.

On the other hand, if he's legitimately a cop, he's got a lot to lose and nothing to gain by turning on her at this late date. So, my off the cuff reaction is it's not a problem. Let the goober live his fantasy and keep counting the money while documenting how many times he's seen the young lady in question, perhaps through intimate emails or PMs.

All the foregoing said, I defer to our established providers who undoubtedly have far more insight on such things than I.
+1 on what HR and EN said. Tell her to playfully ask to see his badge bc she doesn't believe him. If he actually has one she needs take a mental note of the name and number then if he causes her any trouble with LE explain to them that her exbf, "officer so-and-so" is just trying to cause trouble for her bc he is upset she broke off the relationship. Edit: or better yet a guy she went on a date with one time who has been bothering her ever since and won't take no for an answer.

Always. Cover. Your. Ass. (aka: hope for the best but expect the worst).
Another question if another provider tries to verify him what should she do? Should she just verify or let them know what she knows? Originally Posted by onecouldbe
I NEVER ask or tell what a guy does for a living when giving or receiving a reference (if I even know). That being said she may want to advise him not to share that info with anyone in the future bc it will likely get him on many-a-DNS list. I can see if she has seen him already but I would never see a guy for the first time if I knew he was LE, legit hobbyist or not.
killswitch321's Avatar
That's gotta be a good cop to respect the oldest profession.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-17-2013, 06:54 AM
If he is a real cop on his own time, he is the one who needs to be concerned. He could lose a lot.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I NEVER ask or tell what a guy does for a living when giving or receiving a reference (if I even know). That being said she may want to advise him not to share that info with anyone in the future bc it will likely get him on many-a-DNS list. I can see if she has seen him already but I would never see a guy for the first time if I knew he was LE, legit hobbyist or not. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
+1 on what HR and EN said. Tell her to playfully ask to see his badge bc she doesn't believe him. If he actually has one she needs take a mental note of the name and number then if he causes her any trouble with LE explain to them that her exbf, "officer so-and-so" is just trying to cause trouble for her bc he is upset she broke off the relationship. Edit: or better yet a guy she went on a date with one time who has been bothering her ever since and won't take no for an answer.

Always. Cover. Your. Ass. (aka: hope for the best but expect the worst). Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I agree completely.

Mmmm love me some po po (& firefighters) lol.
Craziness, just craziness. I can only liken it to playing with fire. Sometimes with those guys comes a dark sense of "entitlement" that may cause difficulty for her later (use your imagination).

I agree with the ladies (mostly) on the why you shouldn't do it. Obviously, he doesn't respect his job enough to not break the law (right or wrong, I'm not judging) and if he's doing this...what else? Therefore the other risk here is he can get swept up in some unrelated investigation and she (and whomever else) snared along with him due to internal affairs actions. But then again, I could be wrong and it could be no issue at all.

Didn't something like that happen not that long ago with a studio/provider + LE tipping them off?

But to each their own...(try not to get burned)
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
If he truly IS a police officer, and she has seen him a few times, then I don't see an issue. Not really.

Does he seem to have a dark side? Does he act like a well behaved client or does he have a bit of a poor temperament? If in any way he shows to be a difficult client, or is on the aggressive side when in private with her, then I might err on the side of not seeing him anymore.

But if he's just a great guy, and fun, and she likes seeing him ... gosh, why mess up a good thing?

Oh ... firemen, as mentioned above. How can anyone not like seeing a fireman?

Good luck.
Oh dear God! Firefighters!!! Lol! My kryptonite!!! I feel like such a silly little girl when I drive by a firestation and see a few of the city's finest (in more ways than one) sitting there with the the bay doors open. Its all I can do not to turn around and ask them which one wants to hose me down first!!! I am incredibly self-disciplined in this regard.

Or seeing a few ambulances and firetrucks pulled up next to a park and they are all there playing basketball with their shirts off!!!! Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!
Jessica Jade's Avatar
This is very common believe it or not. I know three different providers that have told me of cop clients they had seen before. Personally it would creep me out but I guess men will be men. Damn that