The latest mass shooting?

bambino's Avatar
So what do we make of this one? Young Syrian, ISISS sympathizer, refugee under the Obama regime murders 10 white people. The spin is amazing from the MSM. “He was born a Muslim but became a White Supremicist.” That was actually a headline in an MSM artivie. No wonder why there’s a country full of mush heads.

So, a lunatic, who’s a Muslim ISISS sympathizer, shoots 10 people who happen to be white, it’s not racist. They’re not targeted. Just a coincidence. Why are these active shooters happening now? Gun control maybe? Obama had more mass shootings than any other POTUS. Now OBiden. Let the fun begin.
Who knew that Obama was president in 2002 at the time that Alissa's family emigrated here with him, when he was 2 or 3 years old. LOL Some people believe anything, I guess.

The Cult of Ignorance.
berryberry's Avatar
Some people believe anything, I guess.

The Cult of Ignorance. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Yeah - some people do. Especially the throngs of liberals and media initially blaming the shooting on "some white guy" to advance their agenda. They had to eat crow when they found out it was a middle eastern ISIS supporter. Particularly odd was the mainstream news media who went from identifying the suspect as an angry white male to no longer mentioning his race / background once the real facts came out.

It was like - if the shooter was a white male it was his fault, but if he was anyone else it was the gun's fault.

The Cult of Ignorance indeed !!!
Gun control has begun already ,key indicators the scarcity of ammo and the high prices you're paying for it
bambino's Avatar
Senator Kennedy always has a witty way to explain things. He nails this:

“We need to remove idiots”
bambino's Avatar
Senator Kennedy always has a witty way to explain things. He nails this:

“We need to remove idiots” Originally Posted by bambino
In an interview earlier today he commented “ if a person shoots a Cop with a gun it’s the gun’s fault , if a Cop shoots a person with a gun , it’s the Cop’s fault “

Don’t know if those remarks are in any of the links you posted .
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
I would apply this logic to any big business that benefits even when its users are dying from that very product.

The big pharm, big tobacco, big alcohol, big agriculture don’t want to put the blame on their products, of course. Instead they blame the consumer for not being able to control their consumption, despite the fact that it’s not an individual consumption problem. They produce knowingly harmful products and promote the F out of them because it’s $$$.

Anything we consume on a daily basis was designed to influence our thinking in one direction or another.

And people eat it up like sheep. Very interesting indeed.
bambino's Avatar
In an interview earlier today he commented “ if a person shoots a Cop with a gun it’s the gun’s fault , if a Cop shoots a person with a gun , it’s the Cop’s fault “

Don’t know if those remarks are in any of the links you posted . Originally Posted by harleyrocks
No. He said that in an interview on Fox.
  • El-mo
  • 03-24-2021, 01:46 PM
Have you ever posted about another mass shooting, or are you using this as an opportunity to race-bait? This board had already become insufferable, in the last few months, and your return is doing nothing but making it worse. Take this bullshit to Parler, Bam.
pensfan123456's Avatar
I must admit that I wish we could get the politics out of co-Ed. There’s another forum for political bs.
bambino's Avatar
Have you ever posted about another mass shooting, or are you using this as an opportunity to race-bait? This board had already become insufferable, in the last few months, and your return is doing nothing but making it worse. Take this bullshit to Parler, Bam. Originally Posted by El-mo
I’ll post material from where I want to. This came on the heels of the Atlanta shooting. You didn’t seem outraged by that. Besides, I use Parler to organize news organizations that you don’t get from the mainstream. It’s just a tool. Now take a deep breath. BTW, I posted my first thread on Aliens. Maybe that’s more up your alley.
bambino's Avatar
I must admit that I wish we could get the politics out of co-Ed. There’s another forum for political bs. Originally Posted by pensfan123456
I agree, but that horse left the barn months ago. Nobody has to read a thread that doesn’t interest them. Why waste a second bitching about it? IJS.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Moved to the sandbox
berryberry's Avatar
I must admit that I wish we could get the politics out of co-Ed. There’s another forum for political bs. Originally Posted by pensfan123456
As someone who enjoys talking politics and current events among other things, I don't see it as BS. And unlike El-Mo who is like a lot of liberals who want to ban topics of conversations they disagree with here, this board is for everyone.

But I do agree with you Pensfan that current events and politics is best kept in the sandbox (that it is what the Sandbox is there for - off-topic discussions that are not adult-themed topics).

That way those who want to avoid it just avoid the sandbox