Requesting credit?

On the Premium Access page it says:
Each approved review posted will earn 6 weeks of Premium Access credit. This credit will continue to accumulate for as long as the member continues to post reviews. When requesting credit for a review submission, please include the URL link to your review(s). Inquiries may be sent to your local mod team.
Is this the appropriate place to request credit?

Here's a link to my review:

If this isn't the correct way to request credit, I apologize.
oldtiger's Avatar
You're not being ignored. We will get to your review in due time.
I've never "requested" credit. In my experience, the mods will simply "notice" that a new review has been posted, and I'll receive a message (sometimes days later) that tells me that my premium access was granted.

If ever there was a situation where I thought my review was not "noticed" by a moderator, then I would send them a private message, rather than create a new, public thread for all to see, when the only ones who need to see it are the 3 moderators.

Thanks for your contribution. Welcome aboard, and happy hobbying.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
That's good advice right there.
HUMP!'s Avatar
  • HUMP!
  • 07-16-2017, 04:39 AM
An appropriate "Question for the Staff" as is the name of this board.
Nice review, newby.