Innapropriate provider behavior

Hello. I have a concern about a provider who placed a baseless and innapropriate comment on an ISO that warned other providers away from me. I am at a complete loss as why she did that. I can only assume she was unhappy that I would not sign up for a pay to chat site called "sext panther" to communicate with her. I have our complete private messages through eccie saved for your reference. Please let me know what actions can be taken and what I need to do to accomplish them. Thank you.
oldtiger's Avatar
Short answer, nothing. She has not violated any guidelines. Moreover, you have rebutted her in the thread. The proof, as has been said, is in the pudding.
Thank you for responding oldtoger. I had considered starting a thread to warn others, but decided against it. I don't want to get caught up with the drama that results from those threads. I was glad to see a couple of folks chimed up after her comment. That helped remind me there are still good people who make their own opinions of others. Anyways, happy hobbling to you !!!
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