AlyssaWest's Avatar
I started this blog to find out where we are all REALLY from.
Tell us where you're FROM...Where you are NOW...and where you're GOING!!

I'll go first!

JackNapier's Avatar
Can I ask - Why England?
mtabsw's Avatar
I'm from Kansas, but got to Texas as quick as I could...

Not only the worlds finest providers, but concealed carry, express lane for the needle and no income tax. Life is good.

I'm going to hell for sure if it exists - I'm ok with that knowing y'all will be there with me.
Next year....GOING TO ENGLAND! Originally Posted by AlyssaWest
I've been, England is nice. You should try France or Italy (Rome is to die for)... They truly rock. Just hop on the Eurostar and make it a Eurotrip!

From NY, now in the midsts of N. Texas and am trying to travel to Cuba next summer to study. Either by way of Mexico or Canada.
Guest101610-2's Avatar

I'm going to hell for sure if it exists - I'm ok with that knowing y'all will be there with me. Originally Posted by mtabsw
You can speak for your darn self. Jesus loved hookers.

A comment on the england comment.... This country is a sad place if we are ESCAPING to England.
TexRich's Avatar
I'm from Croatia, I currently reside in Dallas. I'm not sure where I will go next.
rcinokc's Avatar
This country is a sad place if we are ESCAPING to England. Originally Posted by LovingKAYLA
Guess that's what they mean by going full circle.
I'm from all over Texas, currently reside in Dallas. No idea where I'm going, just enjoying the ride.
AlyssaWest's Avatar

Because this is the most beautiful view ever and I want to sit right here all day! Plus I love rain and it pours the most right here! So its perfect in my eyes. And then I can just go to Germany and do this the legal way!

And yes Jesus loves hookers!

Also how do I take his comments out?
Jasser's Avatar
I'm from Eternia, former defender of Eternia and Grayskull from the evil forces of Skeletor. I'm currently residing in Thundera and look forward to visiting Cybertron. I hear there is some wicked shit going on there.

Seiously though, from Texas, live in the sticks and look forward to visiting Amsterdam soon. I can't wait to visit a coffee shop and say "I'll have a cup of coffee, a slice of your finest pastry, and a bowl of Kush", lol.

I had a great opportunity to work for the CIA (no joke), but I turned it down. At that time, I found out I was going to be a dadddy so I decided to work locally and give up the travelling career.
Boltfan's Avatar
I am from, gasp, Southern CA. Got to Texas in 2001 and never looked back. No plans to go anywhere until I retire back to CA when I am old and gray (as long as the state hasnt gone to complete hell by then).
Wings's Avatar
  • Wings
  • 06-22-2010, 11:21 AM
I'm from windy West Texas. I live in suburbia of North North Dallas. I'm happy where I am now. I got family, friends, and a job I enjoy. I travel to far off places like Norway, England, France, etc. But I always look forward to coming back. Hhhhmmmm Don't know where I may end up.... Haven't thought about it. I guess I'm just enjoying today.
Mick2010's Avatar
Cool thread. So tyler wow I was close to ya.

I grew up in a small town called Winnsboro Tx. I was on a ranch my whole life and yes had cattle and drove tractors. Not use to the big city but moved here after graduating from UT Tyler. Now I own my business and I plan to keep growing it and move to the hill country within the next 10yrs. That is enough about my boring life. lol
From Missouri originally have lived all over the U.S. have been in Txas over 20 years now.Where am I going ? Lots of places,just haven't decided where yet.