Thanks to all the awesome guys!!!!!

I did a thread in the national area here but I also wanted to come in here and say Thank You to so many great guys. I am so thankful for the great guys that take the time to come and see me and spend their hard earned money with me. I am also thankful for the awesome guys that look at my showcase and read my reviews and chat with me in chat. I have beable to meet some great guys that I would have never beable to if I did not come here. I hope everyone that takes the time to come and see me knows that I am really grateful and honored that you pick me when there are so many others out here. I can not say it enough how I love for guys to just talk to me about anything and I dont want anyone to feel he cant come in chat and talk to me. It dont bother me at all if you dont come and see me cause we all need an ear at times. I hope everyone that reads this knows that I really mean every word. I hope I dont make anyone feel rushed or not wanted. I love what I do for alot of reasons but one reason is cause this gives me the chance to give back to others. Thank You so much for your time. Have a great weekend and a safe one.
No, thanks to you TP for all the same reasons. You always have my ear, or any other body part you may require. Can't wait!
Angus I bring the Ready Whip and you can provide the hot wax!!!!!!!!
TP you are soo right! There really are a lot of great guys on this board. I think many times we come to vent when things go wrong with a member. But I do & always will remember to be thankful for the real Sweethearts that just 'magically appear' (lol) when we need them. I have met many gentleman that will 'make MY day' with even just laughing together & letting go of all the bs for a while. We all need friends like that

It's important to me &

Nice post, TP.
txhunter56's Avatar
Truly Passion,
you are a sweetheart!
oltimer's Avatar
One classy Lady!
A quality post. Haven't met you, but I sure appreciate the comments. We're here if you wanna gab, as well.

Good form TP.
Cynamon's Avatar
I agree...great guys.
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  • 06-02-2012, 02:56 PM
Hmmm, and that is one of many of the reasons I enjoy seeing you, TP. In each of our visits, you do exactly what you are saying ... take the time to chat and get to know me. I know not everyone wants that.

There are some who might consider chatting a waste of time, but I for one thoroughly enjoy it.
You are a great girl TP! I enjoy every visit.
Thanks guys I really mean it from my heart. I love getting to know everyone cause we all need an ear at times. I have met alot of great guys some in person and some in chat. Yall are really awesome to me. Hugs and Kisses!!!!!!!!
TP, I loved every second with you the other day. It's thread's like these that make you so pleasurable to be with!
TP your very special and I'm really not a chatter but with you it just feels right your unique and unique
Is what I seek! Thank you TP your beautiful inside and out keep doing it your way you should teach
Classes there a lot of us that could learn some "hobby" etiquette from you.
I am speechless from all of yall. I dont know what to say. A good friend told me yesterday I always have to do things different. Well thanks a million guys. I started this in Sept and I cant believe how many awesome people I have talked to. I wish everyone a great evening and a great week. Play safe and be safe and have a great time. Later TP* Hugs and Kisses!!!!