Favorite type of protection

I guess this is a conversation for both guys and ladies.

I prefer something on the thinner side for a more realistic feel. Trojan has a bareskin and raw brand that I think is pretty good. Which ones do y'all prefer and why?
hoursefly2's Avatar
I prefer the lady to provide protection. I do keep a backup. In my career i hate a 50 cent o ring. Same applies here in would hate miss a good time over a 50 cent hat. I have used several styles. I have Trojan her pleasure at the moment. I would love to hear from the ladies
tuckahoe's Avatar
I usually use whatever is provided. Skinz feels pretty good.
CantBuyMeLove's Avatar
My preference is the Trojan Ultra Fit Comfort Feel. Can wear them without feeling like I'm being cut off at the base (2.17 instead of 2.09) and doesn't feel like it will slide out of place. (Trying that magnum xxxl was humbling, lol)

Can tell you, I hate the Lifestyle brand. Others I'll use if that's what's available.
hogmanjones's Avatar
Trojan Raw is pretty good
Female condom
ccriderridesagain's Avatar
357 magnum, good feel and in can take a heavy load.
Vasectomy backed up with magnum raw
P.S. Condom- Regular fit, no smell and sized right for me.
I always bring my own protection. Trojans, also lube, KY non-petroleum based lube . Any kind of petroleum based lube will quickly degrade most condoms. Even coconut oil will degrade them !
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Colt 1911A1 45 Chromed, Ivory handle, extra clips, JHP 230 grain

But for this thread: LifeStyles Skyn, required by several gals I used to date, pro and civie.
That trusty .22, scrubbed # tenpoint.

You can get a 1 micron thin condom from Japan called 001 that feels like there's nothing there, plus I've had a vasectomy.
winn dixie's Avatar
Favorite type of protection?


Hunert percent effective against pregnancies [ fuck trophies] and creepy crawly things