regular flu vs coronavirus

Sherry of DFW's Avatar
Fact: (I looked up this info online)
In the 2019-2020 flu season , 39 million Americans got the flu 250,000 had to be hospitalized-- 14,000 died
(mostly sick already, and very old)
Nobody batted an eye...... BUT.....

Corona virus (as Of Saturday March 14 2020) according to CDC
2,174 cases--only 49 deaths---and everybody is going ape-shit!!

In my opinion, entire crisis CAUSED by media over-reacting--Trump absolutely right about :"fake news"

If a guy visits a girl HE HAS MET WITH IN THE PAST, it is probably his SAFEST personal contact
( as long as she is not coughing or showing signs of illness)--no large groups, no closeness to strangers--
--safe stress relief for him, and she may give him special consideration because of his stock market losses or job layoff

Your thoughts????
SlowHand50's Avatar
Search the web a bit for what is going on in Italy right now and it may cause you to change your opinion about it being fake news.

And get your info from actual news organizations that you recognize.
I think the big worry is that there will not be enough hospital beds and ventilators for how many people may get sick at the same time. The hospitals are all quite full from just the regular flu. I went to the hospital to visit a friend who is having surgury and the waiting room was very full...I imagine they will be quite overwhelmed soon. I hope I'm wrong though.
Need to add to the fact.
Coronavirus survive in air for 3 or more hours.
Coronavirus survive on surface for upto 9 hours.
Flu virus will not last this long.
corona virus is mutating faster than flu virus.

Sickness of coronavirus is worse than flu in some people. As of now this is true for mostly for people 60 or older but don’t have much data of under 60.

Now I am not a doctor. It is gathering of info from CNN, FoxNews and many other media.
[QUOTE=Sherry of DFW;1061990154]Fact: (I looked up this info online)
In the 2019-2020 flu season , 39 million Americans got the flu 250,000 had to be hospitalized-- 14,000 died
(mostly sick already, and very old)
Nobody batted an eye...... BUT.....

Corona virus (as Of Saturday March 14 2020) according to CDC
2,174 cases--only 49 deaths---and everybody is going ape-shit!!

In my opinion, entire crisis CAUSED by media over-reacting--Trump absolutely right about :"fake news"

The only legitimacy in the argument to take precautions and to prevent mass community spread is that IF Corona did become a real pandemic it could spread faster and at a larger scale than healthcare and both local and state facilities could control.

But yes the media is to blame for the economic fallout and for grossly misrepresenting or just not stating the facts. Yesterday The Dallas County Health department cited “8 possible positive cases” and yet much of the public believed the hospitals and ER’s were flooded with victims. At the very least the media counseling have corrected that but I guess the facts are not as profitable.

But look at the source of our information. The very people who embellish these stories for ratings have us running to the store for toilet paper and we have no idea what is really going on in other countries. I find it hard to believe that a “national crisis” is pending and yet not a word is spoken of martial law or rationing. It’s not a crisis until you see the US Military truck coming down your
street or at the very least you can’t go any where or buy anything

But at least we can all rest assured at Tom Hanks drug addict son, Chet something will give us his shirtless play by play on national news and maybe he will rap it because i feel like the news is more trustworthy when he mumbles it out in a half sober dialog. You know shit just got real when he takes his shirt off and gives us the news.

Now that big media have financially neutered their own sponsors they will be off to the next story in a a couple weeks
Grace Preston's Avatar
Aren't you a former teacher? Don't you know the difference between raw numbers and percentages? COVID-19 has a mortality rate of about 3%. The flu has a mortality rate of about .6% (thats POINT 6). The whole purpose of what they're doing shutting everything down is to lessen the curve of the disease in order to prevent a healthcare crisis. COVID has shown signs of longer survival in the air, along with a MUCH longer period of incubation than the Flu (meaning-- people are infected and spreading the disease days before they know they're sick)
GP, I understand what you are saying but the Corona cases should be for a fact positively confirmed and entered as data points for mapping or statistical analysis. Precautions? Yes. But the media has projected a doomsday scenario knowing full well there would be utter chaos, especially in the economy. I’ve seen articles in mainstream publications that warn “up to 40-60% of the world population will get Corona”. And yet the same outlets refuse to acknowledge that much of the manufacturing in the Woo Tan (whatever) province of China is back in production if it was even taken off line.

There are facts and then there’s sensationalism for ratings. I’m not convinced we are getting the truth from the media or the government as everyone freaks out
constantine's Avatar
It's over hyped. I agree with you Sherry.
I’m not a disease expert and yes we move around a lot within our boarders but I think the media has a sinister plot to trick fuck us. It’s over here! Then it’s over there! Watch out it just went that way!!!

I just think that’s a shitty way to report the news
gary245's Avatar
From your numbers

Flu 39,000,000 cases / 14,000 deaths = 1 in 3000 dies (about .03%)

Covid-19 2,174 cases / 49 deaths = 1 in 44 dies (2.2%)

If it continues to spread ( like China , Italy, like the flu ) it could be close to a million dead. (39,000,000 flu cases * 2.2% = about 858,000 die.

If they can stop covid 19, i wish they'd stop the flu or common cold when they have time.
It may not get that bad, but way too early to tell.

One of the bigger problems is a person who has covid-19 may not have symptoms for 2 weeks. It could be passed to a number of people in 2 weeks.
Hopefully it will not be anywhere that bad (the above is a worst case projection of the numbers)
txexetoo's Avatar
From your numbers

Flu 39,000,000 cases / 14,000 deaths = 1 in 3000 dies (about .03%)

Covid-19 2,174 cases / 49 deaths = 1 in 44 dies (2.2%)

If it continues to spread ( like China , Italy, like the flu ) it could be close to a million dead. (39,000,000 flu cases * 2.2% = about 858,000 die.

If they can stop covid 19, i wish they'd stop the flu or common cold when they have time.
It may not get that bad, but way too early to tell. Originally Posted by gary245

The problem with your assumptions is we don’t really know how many cases there have actually been because of the lack of testing. There may be 20k or 200k cases already that were mild and assumed to be the flu. That mortality rate drops dramatically in that scenario
Correct. The government and or health entities who make these projections really don’t have a base line for statistics. “Possible Positive Cases” employ a lot of conjecture while CNN is broadcasting some guy in Italy allegedly stuck in his house with his dead sister.
TinMan's Avatar
Peggy Noonan, as usual, says it best:

“Is all this an overreaction? If it is, we’ll recover. If we’re too cautious we’ll realize after a while and we’ll all get angry at the economic cost of it and have big arguments and fights. But we’ll be here to argue and fight.“
Grace Preston's Avatar
I'd rather have an overreaction and be wrong...

than have an under reaction and be wrong.

One is annoying-- the other is devastating.
I'd rather have an overreaction and be wrong...

than have an under reaction and be wrong.

One is annoying-- the other is devastating. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

This. X1000.
