Fellas question updated pictures

Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
So fellas of course you like to see new pictures of us lovely woman!

Question is how often do you guys like to see new pictures?
Would you like to see a consistent picture or would you rather a girl have new pics every other week?

I feel it is necessary to keep them updated of course, just wanted to see some what you guys thought

Nicole Foxx ��
P.s got some new sexy photos in my showcase hope you enjoy ��
So fellas of course you like to see new pictures of us lovely woman!

Question is how often do you guys like to see new pictures?
Would you like to see a consistent picture or would you rather a girl have new pics every other week?

I feel it is necessary to keep them updated of course, just wanted to see some what you guys thought

Nicole Foxx ��
P.s got some new sexy photos in my showcase hope you enjoy �� Originally Posted by Nicolefoxx1
I like to see fresh ones. More than once I've decided to go see ladies because of new pics in their showcases that tempted me. I think it can be an advantage to providers who update them fairly often.
No need to update more than every few months in my opinion. Unless something has changed I.e. Weight gain/loss, hair style change,boob job etc.
Nicole, that new face pic in your showcase is very, very nice.
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
Yes spanky your so right lol

I know when i switch my pics up i get more reactions
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
Bobsmoot yes that is only fair cause you definitely don't want to be suprised if she weighed 40 lbs extra! Lol

And thank you so much watch out
I love that picture as well
I have a few new ones up but the pics are not all uploading its being complicated right now !
I enjoy new pics but they are not necessary! It definitely makes me look when I see "new pics".
I'm always game for new sexy pics, but don't really have any preference for when they get posted.

Love the new pics!
New pics do get attention, but once in a while is good enough.
BK's Avatar
  • BK
  • 09-05-2017, 11:54 PM
Men are visual animals. It is our nature to look and new always captures our attention. I don't know how hard it is to update photos for your showcases but I like to see new ones. If you are just using a phone to take them candid, selfies, etc. then I don't see the reason they can't be updated. Now if you are using a professional photographer then maybe once a year.

I have seen plenty of women that I have been disappointed just from walking in the door because the photos do not represent their current look. I always want what I see in the photos or very close to it. If your photos show long straight blonde hair and I show up and you cut and dyed it black I will not be happy. Or if you have put on some weight but not represented that in the photos. Or you are 5-10 years older or had massive photos editing done on pictures.

Most of us like what we see is what we get pictures.
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
Thanks Elvis how are you doing ?

Thank you jdehog
Yes I feel it is needed an it's make its more appetizing to see new pictures!
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
Bk yes I definitely agree ! your right it is only fair to update them if anything has changed hair, boobs, weight,etc.

That's why i try to update my pictures every couple weeks sometimes every week depends on my mood

I just wanted to see what the community thought because I feel it is important to keep them updated !
An wanted to see how often you guys like to see new pictures
ddepthroatme's Avatar
have beem suprised with 3-4 provders showing witt different hair colors Not in a bad way Usualy just suprised
Vannah's Avatar
From a fellow provider's prospective, I've found that gentlemen always appreciate new pictures. I try to post new ones every couple of months, not necessarily to obtain business, but because I enjoy the process of putting outfits together and showcasing my creativity through photos. Your pictures look so good, Nicole!
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
Vannah I do as well! Specially when I get cute new outfits

Yeah I believe it is appreciated !
I love to dress up an have different angles i take my pictures an thank you I have a few new ones up but eccie was being complicated last night so still need to post the rest of my new pictures
Thank you Vannah yours look stunning as well