Meeting a provider at private residence

  • rayc
  • 08-23-2010, 05:36 PM
I met a girl at a private residence today it got me wondering about it. How willing are other guys to do that? What kinds of thing do you take notice of, good or bad, when you pull up? Seems to me that the neighbors would notice and probably make some calls about it, so how common is it? Just curious.
jayhawker1980's Avatar
I've done it quite a few times. In some ways I always thought it was safer in that no one would bring you to there own residence if they were planning to pull something on you. Many times it was not reallly were they lived, just a place they rented to do business, but I have gone to a few girls actual residence. I had asked them how they deal with the neighbors; most said that either most of the neighbors worked during the day and that they only worked during those times. Others said they told the neighbors that they did something like cut hair, did legit massages, or did some book keeping or taxes at their homes. I'm not sure if LE would set up stings in actual neighborhoods or not.

As a general rule, I think I got the best service by those actulally working from thier homes. I'm sure that at times this could be problematic in that guys might over step their boundries and just drop in unexpected.
KCQuestor's Avatar
The first provider I ever saw in Kansas City worked out of her home (anyone remember Brittnay?) She told me that she often had to deal with guys just showing up looking for a date, or even just to hang out. She said she'd found guys working on her yard without her knowledge and one time she got home to find a guy building her a fence -- apparently she had mentioned in passing that she couldn't get a dog until her backyard was fenced in.

Seems more trouble than it would be worth.
john_galt's Avatar
Carry a clipboard. All functionaries carry a clipboard to show their authority. Your provider can make up any story that she wants about the jerk with the clipboard and questions. This only works if you're dressed right.
Longermonger's Avatar
Good idea about carrying something with you, JG.

Suitcase: relative from out of town
Toolbox: guy there to fix the toilet/TV/air conditioner/water heater/etc...
Pizza box: "Who ordered the large Italian sausage?!"
Cardboard box: delivering the goods/salesman (Just tall them he's a door-to-door toilet seat salesman selling Toto Washlets.)
Plastic bag of goldfish: the fish guy, helps if you have an aquarium
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 08-24-2010, 08:04 AM
I can guarantee you that LE does stings in neighborhoods!! Fortunately I wasn't directly involved but I know of a couple of ladies that were busted working out of their house. This has been a few years ago but I have no reason to doubt LE still operates the same way!

All it takes is a nosey neighbor who notices nothing but guys showing up for an hour at a time. This is especially true in apartment complexes but is also applies to regular houses.

Bottom line, BE CAREFUL!!!
I saw the naughty hotties once. They met me in a K-Mart parking lot, and made me lie on the floor of their SUV until they drove into their garage. Reverse process while leaving.

Don't know how, but they eventually got busted, so their system was not impenetrable.
  • rayc
  • 08-24-2010, 12:43 PM
Good idea about carrying something with you, JG.

Suitcase: relative from out of town
Toolbox: guy there to fix the toilet/TV/air conditioner/water heater/etc...
Pizza box: "Who ordered the large Italian sausage?!"
Cardboard box: delivering the goods/salesman (Just tall them he's a door-to-door toilet seat salesman selling Toto Washlets.)
Plastic bag of goldfish: the fish guy, helps if you have an aquarium Originally Posted by Longermonger
I showed up in a leather mask, assless chaps, and a mesh t-shirt. What do you think the neighbors thought that was?
john_galt's Avatar
Census worker???
Retired Navy?
john_galt's Avatar
We have to turn the chaps back in when we leave.
surplus stores
jayhawker1980's Avatar
KCQuestor, was that Brittany that lived over off 87th st, a little west of 435, in the Bannister Mall area. I remember it was kind of by the Hillcrest Country Club, past a little cemetary and the house was in perpetual remodeling?
john_galt's Avatar
I suppose the perfect setup would be someone who owned a isolated house on a private driveway. Someone who would allow (for a small fee) people to meet and entertain themselves.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Census worker??? Originally Posted by john_galt