Dan Patrick: Texas Nut Case

This whacko is poised to be the next Lt. Governor of the Great State of Texas....courtesy of crazies like Whirlytard. He's running commercials non-stop, the gist of which is the knuckledraggers favorite topic: immigration. Laughable to watch him say that the first line of defense at the border is "the Texas Rangers and the National Guard".....the Texas Rangers....all 116 of them. He's repeating in another commercial the ridiculous assertion (posted here by the usual idiots) that ISIS terrorists have crossed the border. The guy is a fucking joke.

>>>>>Will a former shock jock who believes God speaks through Duck Dynasty personality, Phil Robertson, be the next second in command for the state of Texas?
If the voters don’t wake up quickly, he could. Dan Patrick, a sportscaster turned right-wing radio hate-spewer and Tea Party State Senator is the GOP nominee for Lieutenant Governor and is currently leading in the polls.

Patrick is a wing-nut’s wing-nut. Called the most conservative member of Texas’ Senate, he authored a bill requiring women to get an ultrasound and be offered a chance to hear the heartbeat before they can have an abortion along with an armload of other abortion restrictions. Last year, Texas Monthly named him “The Worst.”

Like other Tea Party extremists, he is a major proponent of Border Security Hysteria. He regularly rails against threats across our Southern flank by ISIS. In a commercial, he repeated a ridiculous claim made by Californian Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter that “10 ISIS “fighters” have been caught trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border into Texas” Fact Checking organization, Politifact rated the claim false, giving it their highest “pants on fire” rating.

If not ISIS, then it’s migrants carrying exotic diseases as the focus of Patrick’s fear mongering.
“They are bringing Third World diseases with them,”
he said of unauthorized immigrants. Although Patrick cited “tuberculosis, malaria, polio and leprosy.” A state epidemiologist later dismissed the claim. And God speaks through Duck Dynasty stars.
The list of Patrick’s extremist positions goes on and on. But it is his take on religion in politics that takes him farthest afield. While the Texas GOP Platform includes the provision,
“We also urge the Texas Legislature and the U.S. Congress to enact legislation prohibiting any judicial jurisdiction from allowing any substitute or parallel system of Law, specifically foreign Law (including Sharia Law), which is not in accordance with the U.S. or Texas Constitutions.”
Patrick makes no such restriction on legislating his own version of Sharia law. On the subject of teaching Creationism, Patrick said this,
“Our students … must really be confused. They go to Sunday School on Sunday and then they go into school on Monday and we tell them they can’t talk about God.”
He stood in front of a congregation in a Baptist church in July of this year and stated,
“There is no separation of church and state. It was not in the constitution.”
So he clearly has no problem with forcing religious views on people who believe otherwise, as long as the views being forced are his own.,,,,,

Makes you proud, doesn't it?

How much longer before they overplay their hand? Maybe this guy is it?
I B Hankering's Avatar

... that is if you totally discount the "Texas nut cases" who put her in office and keep returning her to office.
You'll have to quack louder. I can't hear you.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-22-2014, 07:21 PM

... that is if you totally discount the "Texas nut cases" who put her in office and keep returning her to office. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

So, IB, do you support Patrick's rather stupid comments?

I suspect you do, but I thought I should give you an opportunity to say he is weird and delusional even by your standards.
I B Hankering's Avatar

So, IB, do you support Patrick's rather stupid comments?

I suspect you do, but I thought I should give you an opportunity to say he is weird and delusional even by your standards.
Originally Posted by Old-T

Name: Sheila Jackson Lee
Born: January 12, 1950
Place of Birth: Queens, New York
Political party: Dim-retard

You and Little-Timmy-tard are the weird and delusional fucktards if either of you imagine Sheila Jackson Lee and her constituency are one iota better than Patrick and his constituency, Old-THUMPER. BTW, Little Timmy-tard is surely appreciative since he claims he couldn't see the original post until you quoted it, Old-THUMPER.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-22-2014, 07:36 PM
Typical IB. Ignore the question because you know however you answer it you will sound stupid.

She is a nut. He is a nut. Too bad you are so blind you think their birthplace matters. Too bad you are so pathetically biased you will never admit a RWW is a Wacko no matter how sick he or she is.

So, I will take your non-reply as an affirmation. Thank you for clarifying.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Typical IB. Ignore the question because you know however you answer it you will sound stupid.

She is a nut. He is a nut. Too bad you are so blind you think their birthplace matters. Too bad you are so pathetically biased you will never admit a RWW is a Wacko no matter how sick he or she is.

So, I will take your non-reply as an affirmation. Thank you for clarifying.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Aren't you proud of your home-grown dim-retard, Old-THUMPER?
Apparently Texas is the home of wacko politicians. From LBJ, George H and W. Bush to what ya have currently running. I bid all you Texans happy voting.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Apparently Texas is the home of wacko politicians. From LBJ, George H and W. Bush to what ya have currently running. I bid all you Texans happy voting.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Unfortunately I don't disagree with you.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This whacko is poised to be the next Lt. Governor of the Great State of Texas....courtesy of crazies like Whirlytard. He's running commercials non-stop, the gist of which is the knuckledraggers favorite topic: immigration. Laughable to watch him say that the first line of defense at the border is "the Texas Rangers and the National Guard".....the Texas Rangers....all 116 of them. He's repeating in another commercial the ridiculous assertion (posted here by the usual idiots) that ISIS terrorists have crossed the border. The guy is a fucking joke.

>>>>>Will a former shock jock who believes God speaks through Duck Dynasty personality, Phil Robertson, be the next second in command for the state of Texas?
If the voters don’t wake up quickly, he could. Dan Patrick, a sportscaster turned right-wing radio hate-spewer and Tea Party State Senator is the GOP nominee for Lieutenant Governor and is currently leading in the polls.

Patrick is a wing-nut’s wing-nut. Called the most conservative member of Texas’ Senate, he authored a bill requiring women to get an ultrasound and be offered a chance to hear the heartbeat before they can have an abortion along with an armload of other abortion restrictions. Last year, Texas Monthly named him “The Worst.”

Like other Tea Party extremists, he is a major proponent of Border Security Hysteria. He regularly rails against threats across our Southern flank by ISIS. In a commercial, he repeated a ridiculous claim made by Californian Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter that “10 ISIS “fighters” have been caught trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border into Texas” Fact Checking organization, Politifact rated the claim false, giving it their highest “pants on fire” rating.

If not ISIS, then it’s migrants carrying exotic diseases as the focus of Patrick’s fear mongering.
“They are bringing Third World diseases with them,”
he said of unauthorized immigrants. Although Patrick cited “tuberculosis, malaria, polio and leprosy.” A state epidemiologist later dismissed the claim. And God speaks through Duck Dynasty stars.
The list of Patrick’s extremist positions goes on and on. But it is his take on religion in politics that takes him farthest afield. While the Texas GOP Platform includes the provision,
“We also urge the Texas Legislature and the U.S. Congress to enact legislation prohibiting any judicial jurisdiction from allowing any substitute or parallel system of Law, specifically foreign Law (including Sharia Law), which is not in accordance with the U.S. or Texas Constitutions.”
Patrick makes no such restriction on legislating his own version of Sharia law. On the subject of teaching Creationism, Patrick said this,
“Our students … must really be confused. They go to Sunday School on Sunday and then they go into school on Monday and we tell them they can’t talk about God.”
He stood in front of a congregation in a Baptist church in July of this year and stated,
“There is no separation of church and state. It was not in the constitution.”
So he clearly has no problem with forcing religious views on people who believe otherwise, as long as the views being forced are his own.,,,,,

Makes you proud, doesn't it?

How much longer before they overplay their hand? Maybe this guy is it? Originally Posted by timpage
I refuse to express an opinion to this thread because it would require me to agree with a liberal supporter of Hussein.
Texas won't become California... Get used to it Ozombies.
Yeah. Ho Hum. This stupid douchebag will be proposing legislation come January in Texas.
I agree that Dan Patrick is way out there on the religious crap......but

I think every woman who is contemplating an abortion should first see an ultra sound of what is inside her, and have a doctor explain the different stages of a growing Fetus.

Knowledge is a wonderful thing. And any person undertaking such a serious course of action should be fully informed.
Mckinney from georigia and Traficante from Ohio......2 democrats that were ecertifiably crazy AND corrupt...far worsr
Texas won't become California... Get used to it Ozombies. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
California is the land of Fruits and Nuts. Texas wants to beat that by becoming the land of Queers and Steers, lol.
