Obama's CDC may be getting it all wrong.....again !

Ebola: WHO Cites Cases With Longer Incubation Period of 42 Days
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  • WTF
  • 10-24-2014, 07:49 AM
More fear to feed the GOP take over of the Senate!
Argue that point with the Daily Kos and the World Health Organization.
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  • WTF
  • 10-24-2014, 07:59 AM
More fear to feed the GOP take over of the Senate! Originally Posted by WTF
I'm stating fact , not arguing a point.

This is nothing more than a political opportunity to win back the Senate. Any of you Ebola doomsayer's think otherwise hopefully you will get the clean up detail of Ebola upchuckers.

You haven't stated any facts.

What facts have been in any of your posts.

Name one.
How is the Daily Kos article fear mongering by conservatives designed to win back the Senate.

You are a loon !
If what you stated is a "fact", are you sure that know the definition of what a fact is?
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  • WTF
  • 10-24-2014, 08:14 AM
If what you stated is a "fact", are you sure that know the definition of what a fact is? Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I know for a fact that the GOP wants to win back the Senate and is using this Ebola bullshit as a way to do so.

If you are ignorant of that fact , maybe you have caught Ebola.....and have a case of diarrhea of the mouth.

This is nothing more than making adjustments on the fly....kinda like Bush did in Iraq , when you so called apolitical nitwits gave him years to fine tune that clusterfuck. So do not tell me this has anything other winning back the Senate.
gfejunkie's Avatar
How is the Daily Kos article fear mongering by conservatives designed to win back the Senate. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

You don't really expect a coherent response to that, do you?

GOP take over of the Senate! Originally Posted by WTF
Good to see you accepting the inevitable.
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  • WTF
  • 10-24-2014, 12:42 PM

Good to see you accepting the inevitable. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Change is inevitable. ....but some folks fight it tooth and nail. It is why we had a Civil awar, it is in fact why many oppose Gay marriage. Their personal make up is not conducive to change.
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  • WTF
  • 10-24-2014, 12:43 PM

Good to see you accepting the inevitable. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Change is inevitable. ....but some folks fight it tooth and nail. It is why we had a Civil war, it is in fact why many oppose Gay marriage. Their personal make up is not conducive to change.
Change is inevitable. ....but some folks fight it tooth and nail. It is why we had a Civil war, it is in fact why many oppose Gay marriage. Their personal make up is not conducive to change. Originally Posted by WTF

I guess this Liberal couple wanted "change' a little faster...


lustylad's Avatar
I know for a fact that the GOP wants to win back the Senate and is using this Ebola bullshit as a way to do so. Originally Posted by WTF

Hey fagboy, you got it backwards. The POTUS is desperate for the dems to hold on to the Senate and he is downplaying "this Ebola bullshit" to do so.

Read this, fagboy, since you claim to be good at math. Does a 25% probability of ebola importation within 3-6 weeks mean "the chances... are extremely low"?


Odumbo fucked up again, fagboy. He called a 25% chance within 3-6 weeks "extremely low". Beyond 3-6 weeks the risks are higher. But Odumbo doesn't think beyond the next election. He is incapable of thinking about how to protect the country rather than his own political ass.

Memo to FAGBOY - When the POTUS fucks up, expect his political opponents to point it out to the rest of the country, whether it's 2 weeks or 2 years before the next election!

I guess this Liberal couple wanted "change' a little faster...


. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

