Great Times

With a certain girl gone my source for bare back blow jobs went away. So I went around checking out old and new friends and here's what I found....

A pretty new girl somewhere that loves to be massaged. The clothes came off super easy and didn't flinch when I started rubbing against her ass. I seriously think FS or even greek might be a possibility with this one.
An old time favorite was very friendly the other day. Clothes came off easy and I went down on her (tasted very good) and managed to get two fingers in her. I've known this one for a long time and it's time we get it going.

Another cute girl that I know who's given me a respectable L1 in the past was really fun today. She changed into some more comfortable clothes when I asked her if she'd like to be massaged. I enjoyed licking her ass out and later licking her clit. Trimmed nicely and tasty. I'm guessing she's comfortable with me because we spent about 20 minutes kissing. If started off as light but got heavier and heavier.

So which one do I have the best chance with and what's the best move?

All three of these girls don't want their names mentioned so don't send me any PMs asking. I'll just claim this is all fiction if you do.
If I were you, here's what I'd do:
1) Ask each of them their personal phone# if you don't have it already. If they push back, that means they are not into you or they already have a significant other. No biggie, move on to the next one.
2) Once you have their #, text them often. For example, say goodnight every night; say you had a great time with her after each time you see her, i.e. sweet talks.
3) When the time is right, ask them out when they are off. If they agree to see you outside of the spa, you reach third base, congrats!
4) Wine and dine her nicely and you get more than BBBJ.

Regarding which girl to pick, I wouldn't go with someone who's too easy with just about anyone. The one I'm having a relationship is strictly L1. You always want to have your girl all by yourself, right? Good luck!
Why should anyone offer you advise when you don't share any info of the names and places on any of the good encounters, except to read the ROS for free? Start contributing to the community more often
Someone with 7 reports is telling someone with 13 reports to contribute more?

I didn't post this as a review so I wasn't trying to get any more ROS access. I was trying to get a conversation started about what I suspect is a whole lot of UTR >L1 action going on in this town.
Kamisearch's Avatar
Depends what level you are trying to achieve.

L3 is most likely available with the 2nd girl mentioned, just have to know how to play your cards with a girl who considers you a regular/favorite. It may be possible with the 1st girl but any one whose willing to go that on the first try more than likely means you aren't that special and she would go with most others. I don't think L3 is likely with the last girl.
If all you are looking for is L2, probably all 3 will be okay with it again if you play your cards correctly and are clean. From my experience any amp girl that asks you specifically no review before session / before extra services means you are in for a good time and you are the driver. Although some will take initiative themselves but it's mostly dependent on you.