Elizabeth Warren et al on Fracking

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  • 10-22-2019, 11:28 AM
On my first day as president, I will sign an executive order that puts a total moratorium on all new fossil fuel leases for drilling offshore and on public lands. And I will ban fracking—everywhere.

Elizabeth Warren

When [Sanders] is in the White House, he is going to ban fracking nationwide and rapidly move to 100 percent clean, sustainable energy

Bernie Sanders, speaking in the 3rd person

There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking

Kamala Harris

It’s easy for politicians and activists to call for an end to hydraulic fracturing—but now we know what the consequences could be. Without fracking, the U.S. would surrender our status as a global energy superpower. Every American family could face higher prices for the energy they consume and the products and services they buy, and almost 15 million Americans could be out of work. These extreme and irresponsible proposals should not be considered. Ignorance can no longer be an excuse."

Karen Harbert, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber’s Institute

So what do these bozos want? For the U.S. to become dependent on oil imports from the Middle East again? Exactly how is the USA going to generate electricity when and where there's no natural gas or sun or wind, since they want to ban nuclear and coal too? Maybe we can import liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Qatar, Iran and Russia. They've got lots of gas.

Perhaps Trump was wise sending those troops to Saudi Arabia. We may need them there to protect the Straits of Hormuz once Elizabeth Warren becomes President.
maybe in their nefarious ulteriorousness they actually want us to have rolling energy cuts like pg&e is having to do in California as they cant clear the underbrush

and don't put any wind turbines near Martha's vineyard
eccieuser9500's Avatar
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  • 10-22-2019, 12:13 PM
What's your point? Originally Posted by Levianon17
You have no idea from this video whether the gas in her water had anything to do with fracking. Probably not. It's not uncommon to have methane in aquifers where there's no commercial gas production.

Most farmers and ranchers welcome drilling on their land because of the income they receive from bonuses, production, and surface damages. They freely enter into leases and right of way agreements with oil and gas companies. If people don't want drilling to occur on the land around their communities, they'll ban it at the local or state level. The arrogance of politicians in Washington telling everyone what to do is disgusting.
You have no idea from this video whether the gas in her water had anything to do with fracking. Probably not. It's not uncommon to have methane in aquifers where there's no commercial gas production.

Most farmers and ranchers welcome drilling on their land because of the income they receive from bonuses, production, and surface damages. They freely enter into leases and right of way agreements with oil and gas companies. If people don't want drilling to occur on the land around their communities, they'll ban it at the local or state level. The arrogance of politicians in Washington telling everyone what to do is disgusting. Originally Posted by Tiny
Eccieuser9500 should have posted what you just wrote instead of posting a video. Whether fracking is detrimental to the environment or to our health money and profits are always going to be the determining factor. The Government talks about banning firearms, fracking a host of other things, but they never talk about banning fucking cigarettes do they? No of course not, the reason money.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
What's your point? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Unfettered raping of mother Earth in pursuit of reckless profiteering.

You have no idea from this video whether the gas in her water had anything to do with fracking. Probably not. It's not uncommon to have methane in aquifers where there's no commercial gas production.

Most farmers and ranchers welcome drilling on their land because of the income they receive from bonuses, production, and surface damages. They freely enter into leases and right of way agreements with oil and gas companies. If people don't want drilling to occur on the land around their communities, they'll ban it at the local or state level. The arrogance of politicians in Washington telling everyone what to do is disgusting. Originally Posted by Tiny
It is unsubstantiated but the woman states from the company's own post frack testing, the levels of methane went from 0.01% to 64%. If the farmers or anyone in the drilling zone were to know this beforehand, do you think they would so easily be bought off?
Unfettered raping of mother Earth in pursuit of reckless profiteering.

It is unsubstantiated but the woman states from the company's own post frack testing, the levels of methane went from 0.01% to 64%. If the farmers or anyone in the drilling zone were to know this beforehand, do you think they would so easily be bought off? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
You posted a video of a women igniting a gas as she ran her tap. From the video it's impossible to determine what type of gas or it's source. According to the link below Fracking may not be the reason for methane gas finding it's way into a water line.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
You posted a video of a women igniting a gas as she ran her tap. From the video it's impossible to determine what type of gas or it's source. According to the link below Fracking may not be the reason for methane gas finding it's way into a water line.

https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2015...study-suggests Originally Posted by Levianon17

This is a more recent article.

Methane has been rising rapidly in the atmosphere over the past decade, contributing to global climate change.

Previous studies have not explicitly considered shale gas, even though most of the increase in natural gas production globally over the past decade is from shale gas.
Robert W. Howarth

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA



There are two Board members at SoCal Gas and one at SoCal Edison, two at LimNexus and one at Wilson Sonsini. A Board member working at Sidley Austin (another $25,000 event sponsor), which has been paid more than $10 million by PG&E over the last three years, successfully defended ExxonMobil in a 2016 lawsuit.
John Kerin



Los Angeles has a new voice on the left. KNOCK is a journalism and commentary project by Ground Game LA, a community organization that fosters civic empowerment and political engagement.

The Momentum Midstream transaction has been approved by DTE’s board of directors and is expected to close in this quarter. DTE is paying $2.25 billion in cash and will make a $400 million milestone payment upon completion of the gathering pipeline next year.

DTE Midstream adds the Haynesville Shale assets to natural gas storage, pipeline and gathering properties in the Midwest, Appalachia, Northeast and Ontario.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Warren was a professor. I think she taught “How to trash an economy 101”.
We all long for the days when the rag head sheiks in the Middle East could hold us hostage with their oil.

All Those fukin’ bunch of Jed Clampetts had to do was stick a pipe in the ground and out came oil.
We figured out new ways to reap the bounty. And it’s paying off, big time. Offshore, fracking, shale.

I’m for taking advantage of all of our energy resources, wind, solar, nuclear, and fossil. fuels.

But then, I’m not a pandering moron like most Democrats.
  • Tiny
  • 10-22-2019, 02:58 PM
Warren was a professor. I think she taught “How to trash an economy 101”. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
This is a more recent article.

Robert W. Howarth

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA



John Kerin


https://www.power-eng.com/2019/10/22...g-assets/#gref Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Nice articles but it really doesn't address how methane in drinking water affects human health.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Nice articles but it really doesn't address how methane in drinking water affects human health. Originally Posted by Levianon17

This thread isn't exactly about methane in drinking water. I know I brought it up. The gas can escape into unventilated spaces and affect human health.

Methane gas alone is not toxic and does not cause health problems in drinking water but at elevated concentrations it can escape quickly from water causing an explosive hazard in poorly ventilated or confined areas. Escaping gas may seep into confined areas of your home, where it may reach dangerous concentrations. There have been cases in Pennsylvania where houses, camps, or wells have exploded due to methane accumulation.


Chemicals, like benzene, toluene and ethyltoluenes were found at up to 10 times the recommended levels at a distance of 500 feet from fracking operations. Those levels were still unsafe at distances of 2,000 feet from some oil and gas fracking facilities.
By Jeffery Martin
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