Treetop78759's Avatar
We all have had a difficult time dealing with the extreme whether so I feel it's the perfect time to remind my Eccie brothers and sisters on a safe driving tip.

The areas you see with white ice are generally safe and not dangerous. It's clean and free of impurities. White ice is beautiful.

The areas that have black ice are not safe. They are as dangerous and unpredictable as a worthless pit bull. Black ice is not clean, is full of impurities and road grime, isn't pretty, and has a bad smell.

Remember. White ice is good. Black ice is bad.

Don't get caught with your pants down!

Cheers and be safe.
WTF ...... Ice in ANY color creates a hazardous driving condition. The danger of "black ice" is that all too often the driver that has his/her head up their ass can not detect it and is, in general, driving too fast for existing conditions. One will lose control of a vehicle just a quickly on "white ice" as they will on "black ice", they just won't be as suprised.
WTF ...... Ice in ANY color creates a hazardous driving condition. The danger of "black ice" is that all too often the driver that has his/her head up their ass can not detect it and is, in general, driving too fast for existing conditions. One will lose control of a vehicle just a quickly on "white ice" as they will on "black ice", they just won't be as suprised. Originally Posted by carguy1989
There's a more subtle point to his post. He was banned for a while for the same stupidity. Now he's couching it as "weather" related.
winn dixie's Avatar
Well look whos back ! Completely forgot about the op!
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
a worthless pit bull. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
"Pit Bull" is not a breed and they are not worthless.

That is all, carry on...
Jadec5717's Avatar
Good to know

There's a more subtle point to his post. He was banned for a while for the same stupidity. Now he's couching it as "weather" related. Originally Posted by papadee
I here the flights from Denver to Hawaii are going for a pretty low price right now...
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
'black ice' is when ice forms on asphalt that is well below freezing. Black ice is clear, when you look at it, it appears to be clean asphalt ['black']. So you do not think there is any ice present. it looks like clean pavement.

Right now our rivers and lakes are frozen over so we can drive across on the ice. This makes driving routes much shorter because we no longer must drive around to find the nearest bridge to close a river. We can simply drive across to the other side.

When snowplows scrape the pavement, they will leave behind a layer of ice inside the potholes. This causes the road to have a smooth ride because the potholes are filled.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
The OP reads like it is giving some kind of good advice. Though after reading it, I can not locate any actually good advice in the OP.

The OP wants to talk about black ice, but it sounds like he is not sure himself what black ice actually is.

'EXTREME WEATHER' hmm, this is pretty normal driving conditions given that it is February.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
"Pit Bull" is not a breed and they are not worthless
They’re nice companions, right up until they decide to rip your throat out for no apparent reason.
They’re nice companions, right up until they decide to rip your throat out for no apparent reason. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
In another life I trained dogs in obedience for AKC clubs. Pit Bulls are NOT any more dangerous (as far as tendency to bite) than a chihuahua. It is true that they have tremendous jaw strength and can/do "lock" their jaws when they bite, but they are no more prone to biting than any other breed. The plain truth is that in nearly every case of dog bites, it is a direct result of the animal NOT being properly trained.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
BS. Pits are by far the most likely breed to turn on their owners, and anyone else unfortunate enough to be there when they lose their shit. I’ve had 3 otch goldens, as a former akc guy I’m sure you’re familiar with the amount of time and dedication that requires so I’m by no means talking out of my ass here, and NONE of the facilities we worked at would even let them in the door. Some didn’t let Chows in either.

Pit bulls make up only 6% of the dog population, but they’re responsible for 68% of dog attacks and 52% of dog-related deaths since 1982
Treetop78759's Avatar
I'm hesitant to respond with facts because it makes people in my informative thread look really dumb and undeducated.

In case you didn't get the memo, what happened in Texas last week wasn't snow. It was man made. Hence the reason the so called snow would burn.

Because of the flammability of the substance that many were tricked by the guberment in to believing was snow, the chemistry is different. That's what makes white ice safe.

I'm a very important person in Texas. I don't have the time to lecture the community about the chemistry of the substance that fell across our great state.

Pull your head out of the fake snow and go to YouTube to become informed.
JRLawrence's Avatar
WTF ...... Ice in ANY color creates a hazardous driving condition. The danger of "black ice" is that all too often the driver that has his/her head up their ass can not detect it and is, in general, driving too fast for existing conditions. One will lose control of a vehicle just a quickly on "white ice" as they will on "black ice", they just won't be as suprised. Originally Posted by carguy1989
WTF, is this some kind of racial discussion that has gotten started. Black is bad, and white is good: total nonsense. All ice is dangerous? Is that the same as all women are dangerous and one can loose control of their------------ just as quickly.

Wow, this could be some type of metaphor.