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Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Interesting reading. Wall Street burns a trillion or so dollars of the country's money and yet LE still feels compelled to pursue the hobby? Nice set of priorities. Sigh.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Oh, well, greed and avarice have morphed into virtues as of late. Just need to afford a bigger lawyer.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
Interesting reading. Wall Street burns a trillion or so dollars of the country's money and yet LE still feels compelled to pursue the hobby? Nice set of priorities. Sigh. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
Work with me on this.

Wall Street loses a trillion dollars due to government policies that distorted the market as well as enabling bad decisions. (Hence the reason it is so hard to put anyone in jail for supposed wrongdoing.)

Last I checked LE is the enforcement arm of the government.

So explain to me why anyone is surprised?

But Health Care will work out just fine.
Would prostitution be better if it were legal?
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 09-21-2010, 09:46 PM
Would prostitution be better if it were legal? Originally Posted by ithyphallicus
Ask the prostitutes who work near Carson City, NV.
Int3rested's Avatar
L4L thanks for the info...these sites have value for several differant agendas...
tglc1's Avatar
  • tglc1
  • 09-22-2010, 06:41 AM
They wont let us patrol the border but if you wont to bust some prostitution up you got the Goverments help

to make it more difficult for human trafficking without putting out so many of our freedoms. the gov't disguises election year clean-up behind human trafficking to make it appear as if they actually care

i'm not trying to downplay the tragedy that has come from some of these lawsuits but i believe LE would be better off targeting these rings and leaving the adults to tend to their own business. shutting the sections down will only drive it further underground into obscurity making it more difficult for victims to actually be helped.

wait until spring of 2011 and this will be all quiet again. moronic politics and stupid voters allowing the elite to spoonfeed us all.
Heather, you beat me to it. It's the appearance of enforcement without actually doing anything. It's like the appearance of freedom and security when we have really given away our rights and have less freedom.

I guess like any entity, LE needs to get the most bang for it's buck. Prostitution busts look good, they're very emotional and everyone has an opinion on it so there's controversy and publicity. "Look Ma, we're doin' our job! Will you raise our allowance?".

I'd be more impressed with tighter border security, less violent crime and more community projects like after school projects and community gardens.
Would prostitution be better if it were legal? Originally Posted by ithyphallicus
When I went to Australia on business, it is legal there...girls love there work, The best part is you can use you credit card...I used my United Airlines I got frequent flyer miles for fucking ...does not get better than that. Now those are the friendly skies!!
When I went to Australia on business, it is legal there...girls love there work, The best part is you can use you credit card...I used my United Airlines I got frequent flyer miles for fucking ...does not get better than that. Now those are the friendly skies!! Originally Posted by cuckold4u
Sounds good to me. I've always thought that if we legalized it and then taxed it with the funds going directly to reduce the federal deficit, we could all go fuck for our country. Patriotism & Pussy. I can imagine ads now: "Open for Uncle Sam", "Fill two holes with one cock, mine & the govts", "T-bills & T-backs, you can't go wrong", "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what your cock can do for your country", "Its not too late to ejaculate, American needs you".

Think about it. getting a politician to control his spending - very hard.
Fucking - easy.

Only you can prevent masturbation - fuck a provider today before its too late. Your country needs you!
I don't understand why they are so worried, and filling the jails up with providers when they are suppose to be looking for "underage trafficking". But I do believe that it won't be long and we will be seeing on the news that they shut down the adult section of backpage just like craigslist. But making it legal, who knows if it would be better or worse. In Reno, NV it works out just fine, but the only thing about it is you know the government isn't just going to make it legal and turn the other eye. If they ever were to make it legal they would have so many twisted rules and regulations and clauses that it almost wouldn't be worth it.
TinMan's Avatar
I hope the staff here is ready for the onslaught should BP indeed be forced to shut down their adult ads. It seems to me we are already seeing some of the flotsam and jetsam wash up on the Eccie shores. I'd hate to see what it looks like if this becomes the only site left for "them" to come to.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I hope the staff here is ready for the onslaught should BP indeed be forced to shut down their adult ads. It seems to me we are already seeing some of the flotsam and jetsam wash up on the Eccie shores. I'd hate to see what it looks like if this becomes the only site left for "them" to come to. Originally Posted by TinMan
Well, gosh TinMan, as one of "them" ... I don't know how to respond.

I would like to see "this" decriminalized. THAT is a better option then making it legal. If made legal, then you have all of the other stuff that goes with it like licensing, etc. Which would mean that I would STILL be an illegal working woman because I wouldn't be signing up for that.

With decriminalization, then we would have less of a stigma and the underbelly of prostitution (the stuff that makes good news) can still be addressed in a more calm fashion instead of lumping all of "us" into one category.

But the whole issue of decriminalization has yet to have a single group focus on that goal. Personally, I am working on it myself.

Give me about six months. And I'm serious. Decrim is the answer.

Hopefully, we can get through this political season with the adult section of backpage still intact. Fingers crossed!
