First negative review........

Might as well get put my two cents in about this and expain my side as well. This "guy" called me, was inquiring about my body rub ad on backpage. I scheduled a time to meet with him, he arrived and once we were in the room he is laying on his back & asking me a ton of questions, I tell him he can go ahead and turn over so I can start. He refuses, yes I know red flag number 1, I should have ended the session right then. But I'm a nice girl so I try to figure a way to work around it. Since he already made me feel uncomfortable I decided to go with the top view until I felt more comfortable. As I get closer to his upper body he tries to pull my skirt off, I told him no I was not comfortable taking my skirt off yet, he tries again (very rude) so I tell him no. So here comes the rude remarks and totally un-gentlemen like behavior. I would also like to know why you are claiming you paid 160, when you did not pay for a session?? Also as for you bigdog with your comment on the review, let me just say LMAO I refused a session with you after I found out what you wanted. On top of that a well know lady told me your a complete nut job and she will no longer see you. As for my pics, those are me, real & recent no photo shop, & I'm always told I look way better in my pics, that they don't do me justice.
lilsmurf's Avatar
Tell him girl, i still want to see ya.
For I've heard great things about ya!
Thanks smurf!! One day we will have to get our schedules work out
Wow - that is more info than I was able to read on the review.

...Also as for you bigdog with your comment on the review, let me just say LMAO I refused a session with you after I found out what you wanted. On top of that a well know lady told me your a complete nut job and she will no longer see you. As for my pics, those are me, real & recent no photo shop, & I'm always told I look way better in my pics, that they don't do me justice. Originally Posted by sexy_emily4u
I never have requested a session with you, Emily, I had made a comment on one of your reviews that I had you on my list to see, but if you can recall, you were the one that kept PMing me about when were we going to see each other. I did not wish to see you through research and I told you I wanted something I knew you did not provide from reading your reviews. I would love to know what provider I have seen that thinks I am a "nut job" and will not see me again. I have never seen you in person so I was just going by what I was told about your looks and body. If you like, I will send those PMs to you
what pms?? the ones we exchanged?? I have those.
Just a little advice, never post that you have info on a guy from another provider. That can cause unwanted drama between that provider and hobbyist. What we hear and read in the girls room should be kept between us providers for safety and other reasons.
This was nothing that I read in the girls room. I know the rules of the powder room and believe me if this was in the powder room I wouldn't be dumb enough to write it in coed for everyone to see, but thanks for trying to help sweetie.
lilsmurf's Avatar
Your so hot Emily, I will treat you to a great time
It sounds like he didn't receive a service. I know must feel bad to get a no recommendation, but you're bringing much more attention to what would have otherwise been a minor blip.

And it doesn't look good to drag in another guy and say the things about him that you did. His comment may have been a little annoying to you, but it is best to let them go. He was not a party to this and there is no reason in this case that information like that should have been posted in the open.
rachet3375's Avatar
I don't know what you look like in person (yet), but your pics make you look a little like Rosanna Arquette, she's hot too!
Emily I have only talked to You in chat but You seem really nice, if any man makes You feel Your intincts...Your safety and well being aren't worth a "great" review from a weirdo...don't put Youself in a bad situation....all money, isn't good money
Thanks Tony, by the way where have you been?!? I haven't seen you in chat lately....
Thanks Tony, by the way where have you been?!? I haven't seen you in chat lately.... Originally Posted by sexy_emily4u
Babe You just missed Me!!, but really don't change the way You do business, and always keep Yourself safe....One bad review wouldn't keep Me from seeing You, Em, don't let the haters make you feel bad...YOU are really pretty!!! and most of Us really wanna see You!!
Torito's Avatar
He said/She said. Good night John Boy.
