F'en Football....JUST DO IT!!!!!

Kelly TNT's Avatar
Ever mix the two??

I know you guys are All about your football.

But, if a hot chick, your girlfriend, or wife wants to do it while the game's on, do you...

Make her wait til the game's Over?!?

Or, just til half time?

Or, are you awesome...and just pause the damn thing, and DO IT?!?

I like #3.

Just Do It!!!

~Kelly TNT

Bluedrummer's Avatar
Why pause it??? Make her hoot and holler for more than one reason!!! It's all about the score!!! Pound it in to her endzone!!!
Kelly TNT's Avatar
Or that.

We'll list that as the 4th option. LOL..

~Kelly TNT

Horsemancummeth's Avatar
I have learned over the years, when the lady I am with is in the mood. It is my job to let her have her way with me. I never say no when she wants it. If she is happy my whole world is happy.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 09-26-2010, 11:05 PM
I <3 sneaking in commercial "breaks" and halftime shows!

In fact, play around before the game, have a couple beers or a few cosmos, play during halftime, a few more beers or cosmos then onto "overtime"... MEOW!
geezerdude2's Avatar
If it ever happens, I'll let you know!
1thatgotaway's Avatar
Game???? What Game???

forget about making her wait.. Why would i want to make ME wait.

Doggie Style so you can both watch the game!

And a sandwich after!
Half time action is my favorite!
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
you can't fuck football. no contest.
cheatercheater's Avatar
The game is already being tivo'd anyways.

I would hate for her to look up and catch me watching the game and not paying attention to what she was doing!

Hey Baby, you don't mind if I finish my chips while I fuck you doggie, do you?

I like my football, but pussy takes precedence!
wasn't this why tivo was invented?

never pass a bathroom without taking a leak, a water fountain without taking a drink and when she says let's do it, you do it now.
daty/o's Avatar
I like my football, but pussy takes precedence! Originally Posted by cheatercheater
A man with his priorities straight.
tramp76137's Avatar
With Kelly in the room who would be dumb enough to turn the TV on, in the first place?
  • PT4ME
  • 09-27-2010, 07:15 AM
I agree with 1TGA and Cheater, the hell with the game!!! That's why Sport*center comes on 10 times a day!
