meaning of reistance: resistance to change: opposition to, hostility to, refusal to accept.

meaning of HOSTILITY: antagonism, unfriendliness, enmity, malevolence, malice, unkindness, rancor, venom, hatred, loathing; resentment, animosity, antipathy, acrimony, ill will, ill feeling; aggression, belligerence, dissidence.

meaning of DISSIDENCE: disagreement, dissent, discord, discontent; opposition, resistance, protest, sedition.

meaning of SEDITION: rabble-rousing, incitement to rebel, subversion, troublemaking, provocation; rebellion, insurrection, mutiny, insurgence, civil disorder.

meaning of CIVIL DISORDER: "Civil disorder, also known as civil unrest, is a broad term that is typically used by law enforcement to describe unrest that is caused by a group of people.[1] Civil disorder is also described as “any public disturbance involving acts of violence by assemblages of three or more persons, which cause an immediate danger of or results in damage or injury to the property or person of any other individual.” during civil disorder people generally choose not to observe a certain law, regulation to rule, this is usually to bring attention to their cause or concern. Civil disturbance can include a form of protest against major socio-political problems. It is essentially the breakdown of orderly society, of which examples can include: illegal parades, sit-ins, riots, sabotage, and other forms of crime. Even on occasions where it is typically intended to be a demonstration to the public or the government, such can escalate into general chaos".

All of the above is what the left wishes to elevate their people to, who believe in their way of thinking instead of unifying the country. Whatever happened to the premise, lets start with the issues we agree upon and work from there?????????

Compare to how Conservatives show their aversion to Liberals, certainly not with all the hatred, anger and cacophony.
LexusLover's Avatar
Just curious .... why are you struggling to redefine .... ANARCHY?

I call them Liberals, but actually that term doesn't fit anymore. The loudmouths whining about Trump today are no longer "liberals" as that term has been traditionally defined and understood ... except by someone on here who proclaims to have a "Doctorate in Political Science"!!!!

Ignoring the Constitution and the statutes of Congress promulgated pursuant to the provisions in the Constitution enabling that legislation is a first step, and a dangerous one, to ANARCHY in this country.

Those who head down that path are going to lose that FIGHT, which is exactly why the 2nd Amendment was crafted and held in such high regard by the SCOTUS over the years. Those same lawless people went down that path for the past 8 years with a so called "law professor" in the White House who ignored Congress and signed shit into "law" that he had no right and authority to do. It's getting "undone" now! It was UNLAWFUL originally.

Those people are attempting to take this country by an insurrection against the current administration and Congress. It will fail. The price will be bitter.