Game of Thrones

Yssup Rider's Avatar
OK, I'll admit that my first thought was a show about medieval knights fighting over a warm place to chitl

But after 4 weeks, I'll admit, I'm down with the series. Kinda like tbe "next" generation's Lord of the Rings.

I dig it.

And lots of kinky sex, too!
NipLover's Avatar
I like it, but even paying close attention, it gets hard to follow. I sometimes cheat and read a paragraph or two of the wiki page.

I really like Tyrian Lanister. The imp is a great character. I think he will end up being a great ally of the Starks. I thought that even before he defended Lady Stark.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I generally watch it twice, just to make sure I haven't missed too many nuances. I met a young guy a couple nights ago who'd read all 5 or 6 of the books and said that the first book is the basis for season 1.

This will be interesting...

I, too, like the imp. He's a wise ass. I wonder how much more perverted his sister and brother will get, though, and whether we'll get to see her tits!
Read most of the books, GRR Martin isn't big on editing, but definitely entertaining. You think it's complicated now, if they ever do the other books you'll go nuts trying to keep up with the characters and plots within plots. Wynter Stark in Dallas is a big fan, she used the Stark family motto in her profile....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Beats the chit out of reality TV imho...

Seems like the only folks spending any money on production nowadays are HBO, Showtime and the other cable networks. I'm glad somebody is!
I Just Sharted's Avatar
NipLover's Avatar
?Que? Originally Posted by I Just Sharted
If you don't have anything to add to a thread as clearly defined as this one, don't post at all.
Takeshi Miike's Avatar
I'm reading the books now. Friends of mine turned me on to it when the show was about to begin. I don't watch TV, so I only know what I hear from them. The books are great though. I have a theory that Jon Snow is Daenerys' nephew through Rheagar and Ned's nephew through his sister (can't remember her name right now).
Takeshi Miike's Avatar
Just googled it. It looks like others have the same idea.
I'l be curious how true they stay to the book. After all it may be tough on ratings if you whack off to many main characters during Season #1
Takeshi Miike's Avatar
SPOILER ALERT DO NOT READ IF YOU DON"T WANT TO KNOW SOMETHING RELATIVELY UNIMPORTANT. They really don't whack a lot of main characters in the first book and additionally, I don't think I've ever been surprised by a death in the books. My friends who read the books before me seem to think I'll be surprised when stuff happens, but I'll be honest, the author always foreshadows heavily to the point where I am never really surprised. The only thing I'm surprised about to the point that I'm at (midway through the third book) is that they haven't killed Sansa yet. Maybe they never do, but I could swear he's told us a thousand times he's gonna do it. Maybe the author keeps growing fonder of the dipshit and wants to keep her around I have no idea.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
PLEASE don't tell us what hasn't been on TV yet, Takeshi...
What a great role for the actor playing the's so well written, and the actor
is just nailing it!
These books are honestly some of the best I've run into while reading fantasy. They blow away Tolkien, Jordan and McCaffrey. Yes, you'll most likely be shocked because George R.R. Martin will take the characters you love and allow their character or story arc to progress... I won't say more than that, I don't want to spoil any surprise. He also isn't afraid to take a character that you loathe and make you love them. He's great at showing me a character that makes me say "Oh, they're just a scumbag with no redeeming qualities at all." and then showing their perspective and making them into my favorites. (For example, the Hound is one of the characters I most adore.)

I think that may be what makes his story so compelling, there is no real good and no absolute evil, it's all motivated by very human factors. The Imp is an awesome character and it's such a shame that he's a Lannister.

*SPOILER ALERT* (This is stuff from the books that isn't in the show just yet)

As for the Rhaegar Targarayan/Lyanna Stark match up being Jon Snow's parents? I think so too. The book talks about needing a rider for each dragon and I think that it's going to be Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister and Dany. I'm just not sure how they're going to get Snow to give up the Wall.
He also isn't afraid to take a character that you loathe and make you love them. He's great at showing me a character that makes me say "Oh, they're just a scumbag with no redeeming qualities at all." and then showing their perspective and making them into my favorites. (For example, the Hound is one of the characters I most adore.)

I think that may be what makes his story so compelling, there is no real good and no absolute evil, it's all motivated by very human factors. Originally Posted by wynterstark
That dynamic is what made me fall in love with Deadwood. Just when you thought Al Swearengen was the worst bastard on the planet, he showed you differently... and I dislike Westerns, but I was obsessed with that show. Amazing storytelling.