Is the term "hooker" considered offensive to escorts?

RocketSurgeon's Avatar
This question is primarily for the ladies. Do you consider the term "hooker" to be offensive? In particular, I'm interested about when the term is used in a neutral or otherwise positive-tone context by a fellow escort, client, journalist, writer, or anybody else who is _not_ using it in a clearly derogatory context/manner.

I'm interested in this from a primarily philological perspective, and how usage and perceived acceptance in the sex industry has changed in recent years.
I use this term all the time. It is not offensive to me unless it is being used in a negative or derogatory way.
Nicole Cox's Avatar
Depends on context. I personally use this word over all others, but I use it in a carefree and playful way. When gentlemen use it and its derogatory, or use any other derogatory word to describe choice of how i make a living thats a red flag for me not to see them.
Depends on how its used. I know that the word 'Whore" defiantly is. Which is what some use instead of "Hooker".
VeronicaTurbay's Avatar
i dont like that term, or SW.
but everyone can call themselves how they want. I'm just not.
Nope not offended

Good or bad

At the end of the day.....

Well...overall unfortunately....

To the outside world

VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
yes it means street whore
GypsyHeart's Avatar
Well, I go fishing so, yea, I AM a hooker!
Whore, doesn't bother me. My neighbor has me in his phone as the whore next door.
People are different and get offended by different things. Some people don't - Some people do. I believe, through years of research, that hookers are usually people. Therefore, they follow the same distinct patterns as the rest of us - some get offend by certain things and some don't.....go figure!!
How about ' Tantric Engineer ' ala Robert Anton Wilson ?
grayturner's Avatar
FWIW I think the terms "hobbyist" and "provider" are ridiculous.
I don't collect stamps or build model airplanes.
Sorry didn't meanan to hijack.
As the OP has put it no.

I tend to use hooker in a self deprecating manner. Ex. “My hooker brain gets confused talking to my civvie friends about their sex and relationship problems.” “I have to stop my inner hooker from going too blue with my humor.”

Also from two of my favorite provider girlfriends...

After a double, “A” slips and falls on her lovely ass by stepping on a hundred dollar bill.

A- “who just slips on hundred dollar bills?”
C- “Hookers”

It’s kinda similar to how Asians will poke fun at themselves. “Guys, I need you here at noon. That’s in white people time NOT Asian time. Find your inner white person and don’t make us wait for you.” - Actual loudly delivered speech at an Asian Student Union.
Namssa's Avatar
Reminder to all if a word or term is used and the person on the other end of the post feels it is an insult you may be getting points. So it is a good idea on the board to refer to ladies as ladies.

"The following is not permitted on the site:

Insulting Others
Targeting other members for attacks
Harassing other members, groups of members, class of members, etc
Disrespecting other members on the site
General rudeness toward other members on the site

These have always been part of the vision for this site, although I'm not so sure it's been enforced consistently mainly due to the site growing so large in size over the years.

The moderators have recently been given a directive from Site Admins to enforce these particular guidelines strongly and consistently across the board, anywhere it may exist. The key word is ANYWHERE. Any forum, public or private. If someone insults you to your face or behind your back they have still insulted you and that is that."
KosherCowboy's Avatar
FWIW I think the terms "hobbyist" and "provider" are ridiculous.
I don't collect stamps or build model airplanes.
Sorry didn't meanan to hijack. Originally Posted by grayturner
Beyond ridiculous in fact. I agree with your statement as much as one possibly can. Hobbyists collect coins and push little trains around their homes or catch butterflies or whatever floats there boats.

Provider? What you said X 100 ! Even more of a joke of a term.
jimmy jump's Avatar
yes it means street whore Originally Posted by VIP Mya Michelle
Isn’t that cute? You think there is a difference.
If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s a duck.
I’d say the Palin lipstick comparison but the mods are too ban happy.

If you exchange your body for money, it’s prostitution.
What name you put on it doesn’t matter, it is what it is.
Doesn’t matter if you are on P4, Eccie, Strip Club, or street corner.