Fear of Wind Turbines

HDGristle's Avatar
Autism. Livestock harm. Soil and water contamination. Sleep deprivation. Illness. Interference with emergency medical flights. Cancer.

These are just some of the reasons that folks have vehemently opposed wind turbines.

Let's hear the others. Why do you fear wind power?

Respectfully requesting no discussion of the fears or merits regarding any other type of power generation. Let's stick to wind.
People fear things because they do not understand things, or are too much of a simpleton and believe at face value what other people tell them.
bambino's Avatar
Who fears them? They take up gobs of land to have enough to be effect. I drove from Sacramento to Tahoe a few ago. Miles of windmills. What an eyesore. They’re unreliable, RE Texas a few winters ago. They’re very expensive to build and maintain. They’re built in China. And last but not least, they kill birds.

They are stupid. I don’t fear Windmills, just the faction that are pushing them. Those are dangerous people.
HDGristle's Avatar
I'll tabulate that as "Eyestrain"
bambino's Avatar
I'll tabulate that as "Eyestrain" Originally Posted by HDGristle
Yeah, facts do strain your eyes. Take a ride up to Somerset. Going east just past Somerset there’s a Windmill tract. Looks ridiculous. Litters the beautiful WPA landscape.
HDGristle's Avatar
Facts never strain my eyes. And I don't need to go back to Somerset. I've seen wind farms all over the nation, Bam. You also overestimate how many are of Chinese origin.

Goldwind's are definitely cheaper. Interestingly, Texas went for some of the Chinese models over the Danish and U.S. options. Sad.

If there's another cold snap in Texas and they still haven't properly winterized thier legacy fossil equipment and infrastructure I'm sure Berry and I could go down there and have a convo and the lights would stay on for weeks.
bambino's Avatar
Facts never strain my eyes. And I don't need to go back to Somerset. I've seen wind farms all over the nation, Bam. You also overestimate how many are of Chinese origin.

Goldwind's are definitely cheaper. Interestingly, Texas went for some of the Chinese models over the Danish and U.S. options. Sad.

If there's another cold snap in Texas and they still haven't properly winterized thier legacy fossil equipment and infrastructure I'm sure Berry and I could go down there and have a convo and the lights would stay on for weeks. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Yes. Texas should have upgraded their “fossil fuel” systems so they didn’t have to rely on Windmills. Which were newer and failed when they needed them. The bottom line, it takes vast tracts of land for Windmills to produce a portion of the energy needed. Oh my god, they have to take down those beautiful trees. And they do kill birds. And they are an eyesore. And Germany does produce fins. And they are very expensive. I’ll make you two bets, I’ll take Russia over the Ukraine and lay the points. Windmills won’t be a major source of power in the US except California.

One last thing Mr Gristle, it takes a lot of lubricants (fossil fuels) to keep windmills running


Just like you need coal to charge your Tesla. Dems the facts. Get some eyedrops!!!!!!!!
HDGristle's Avatar
Since you want to go off topic, TX's aging fossil plants failed because they (specficially a large portion of their gas fired plants, because ERCOT is cheap asf) weren't winterized and because the cold snap took down swaths of transmission and massively delayed their blackstarts. Their avg coal plant in service is over 50 years old, their avg gas plant is over 30 years old and they havecalways had a blindspot for cold weather (and hey often need outside help to get their plants started)

Since they run their own isolated grid, they got zero support from the Eastern or Western grids and their forecasting was atrocious. Only 4k MW of wind power was down as compared to 25k MW of natural gas. Methinks you understand what this all means as well as your comrade understood the causes of the TVA rolling blackouts.

Second, your bets are both masssive losers for you. Ukraine lives on and will keep on living on. Russis's effectively already lost. Again, off topic. Meanwhile, on topic, TX has 37k MW of wind, 6x what's in CA. Maybe less unfounded snark and more fact checking next time. We'll note this as "Gave Putin IBS+D"

And finally, this is a damn good product and I've never said once that there's not a place for hydrocarbons. So why isn't the blue fuck would this bother me?

It certainly don't, Bam. I'm the energy resiliency guy. We'll be using several means of flashing steam to generate electricity until long, long after I'm dead.

Now, please stick to the topic.
bambino's Avatar
Since you want to go off topic, TX's aging fossil plants failed because they (specficially a large portion of their gas fired plants, because ERCOT is cheap asf) weren't winterized and because the cold snap took down swaths of transmission and massively delayed their blackstarts. Their avg coal plant in service is over 50 years old, their avg gas plant is over 30 years old and they havecalways had a blindspot for cold weather (and hey often need outside help to get their plants started)

Since they run their own isolated grid, they got zero support from the Eastern or Western grids and their forecasting was atrocious. Only 4k MW of wind power was down as compared to 25k MW of natural gas. Methinks you understand what this all means as well as your comrade understood the causes of the TVA rolling blackouts.

Second, your bets are both masssive losers for you. Ukraine lives on and will keep on living on. Russis's effectively already lost. Again, off topic. Meanwhile, on topic, TX has 37k MW of wind, 6x what's in CA. Maybe less unfounded snark and more fact checking next time. We'll note this as "Gave Putin IBS+D"

And finally, this is a damn good product and I've never said once that there's not a place for hydrocarbons. So why isn't the blue fuck would this bother me?

It certainly don't, Bam. I'm the energy resiliency guy. We'll be using several means of flashing steam to generate electricity until long, long after I'm dead.

Now, please stick to the topic. Originally Posted by HDGristle
I was talking about windmills, which is the topic. They will never be a primary source of energy. Because they don’t make sense. For many reasons which I have stated throughout this thread.
HDGristle's Avatar
This is about fear of Wind Turbines. Real or imagined. Not about Windmills and why they'll never become a primary source of power. I know you think they're the same thing.


They're not.

Birds don't fear the reaper when one fin's painted black...


bambino's Avatar
This is about fear of Wind Turbines. Real or imagined. Not about Windmills and why they'll never become a primary source of power. I know you think they're the same thing.


They're not.

Birds don't fear the reaper when one fin's painted black...


https://group.vattenfall.com/press-a...ird-collisions Originally Posted by HDGristle
Well, you’ve been guilty of being off topic as well. I don’t see anything going on in the general population that suggests they FEAR windmills. I stated in my first post that I don’t fear windmills. I fear the people pushing agendas that most people do not want.
HDGristle's Avatar
Every single fear in OP is a real fear cited as a rationale for anti-wind turbine NIMBY, including from Agent Orange (cancer).
I agree that giant wind turbines are an eyesore, but you don't realize that they can be placed on tracts of land that can't be used for anything else.

Oh, and they can be put out at sea, where they don't take up any land for farming, and don't kill birds.

What alternatives do you see for energy production that is not fossil fuel? IE, no gas or coal. Nuclear? You'd rather go nuclear than wind? That seems to be a big jump.

Also consider how many people have died as a result of each type of power generation. Fossil fuels kill and injure more people per year from pollution than nuclear and wind have ever killed, in total, by four
bambino's Avatar
Every single fear in OP is a real fear cited as a rationale for anti-wind turbine NIMBY, including from Agent Orange (cancer). Originally Posted by HDGristle
Not one single Eccie member, which your thread reaches, have posted that they fear Wind Mills. Mebbe you should have posted a poll. A simple yes or no.
HDGristle's Avatar
And yet you can't seem to take your eyes off the thread. Your suggestions and eye strain are noted for the record.