The corrupt DOJ's coverup for Senile Biden continues

berryberry's Avatar
This is how they're going to bury the treason and avoid answering any questions - by appointing a friendly special counsel to bury the evidence

It is the same playbook they are running with the laughable do-nothing special counsel appointed to :investigate" Senile Biden stealing government documents when he was a senator and VP

All for appearance sake so they can pretend to the public they are doing something when in reality they are burying the evidence

BREAKING: AG Merrick Garland has appointed U.S. Attorney David Weiss as special counsel to oversee Hunter Biden investigation.
berryberry's Avatar
Leftists think the American public is stupid.

This move is designed to prevent any oversight or accountability of Weiss’ coverup of the Senile Biden bribery and influence peddling operation and crimes associated with it.

Appointing the U.S. Attorney, whose office gave the court-scrutinized sweetheart deal to Hunter, as Special Counsel is quite literally the exact opposite of independence and accountability.

Thankfully a Special Counsel investigation will not prevent the House from pursuing an impeachment inquiry, particularly if Garland is still refusing to expand the scope of the mandate to Weiss to include the influence peddling allegations against Senile Biden.
rmg_35's Avatar
More bullshit and conspiracy theories. ��
berryberry's Avatar
Was Hunter not available to investigate himself?

Remember, a SPECIAL counsel is not the same as an INDEPENDENT counsel. David Weiss, who has zero credibility and who gave Hunter the sweetheart deal the judge struck down, will be investigating Hunter Biden, and will report to Merrick Garland and ultimately Senile Biden.

The man investigating the son is accountable to the father.
berryberry's Avatar
Glenn Greenwald - 2 scandalous aspects Garland's elevation of Hunter Biden's prosecutor to "Special Counsel":

1) The DOJ's plea deal with Hunter was so flagrantly generous that it fell apart upon the slightest judicial scrutiny;

2) The prosecutor responsible for this debacle now continues.

The evidence that Hunter profited massively by selling access to Senile Biden -- not just the perception but the reality of access -- is overwhelming.

Almost no leftist could describe this evidence is because their media ignores it and has trained them to dismiss anything involving Hunter.
berryberry's Avatar
Another part of this scam - Senile Biden's corrupt DOJ wants to dismiss the charges against Hunter, supposedly to refile them elsewhere in CA or DC before some liberal judge who will rubber-stamp a sweetheart deal because the current judge shut down their corrupt sweetheart deal
berryberry's Avatar
Oversight Committee


The DOJ is attempting a Biden family coverup.

Moments ago, AG Garland announced he is designating U.S. Attorney for Delaware David Weiss as special counsel for the Biden criminal investigation. This is part of the DOJ’s efforts to attempt a Biden family coverup in light of our Committee’s mounting evidence of President Joe Biden’s role in his family’s schemes selling “the brand” for millions of dollars to foreign nationals.

The Justice Department’s misconduct and politicization in the Biden criminal investigation already allowed the statute of limitations to run with respect to egregious felonies committed by Hunter Biden. Justice Department officials refused to follow evidence that could have led to Joe Biden, tipped off the Biden transition team and Hunter Biden’s lawyers about planned interviews and searches, and attempted to sneakily place Hunter Biden on the path to a sweetheart plea deal.

Let’s be clear what today’s move is really about. The Biden Justice Department is trying to stonewall congressional oversight as we have presented evidence to the American people about the Biden family’s corruption. Our Committee will continue to follow the Biden family’s money trail and interview witnesses to determine whether foreign actors targeted the Bidens, President Biden is compromised and corrupt, and our national security is threatened. We will also continue to work with the House Committees on JudiciaryGOP and WaysAndMeansGOP to root out misconduct at the Justice Department and hold bad actors accountable for weaponizing law enforcement powers.
berryberry's Avatar
This is the same prosecutor who thwarted IRS investigators, who dragged his feet for 5 years, and who finally was caught by a judge offering a sweet deal never seen before to Hunter

You would have to be an idiot (and I guess they are counting on all the leftists idiots out there ) to believe this is NOT a sham and a blatant attempt to coverup for the Senile Biden Crime Family
berryberry's Avatar
AG Merrick Garland violates Dept. of Justice regulations by appointing David Weiss as Special Counsel. Weiss works for Biden’s DOJ and isn’t eligible. Here’s the relevant reg. Section 600.3.

berryberry's Avatar
After opposing every effort to investigation the Biden corruption scandal, Rep. Jamie Raskin admitted that Hunter “did a lot of really unlawful and wrong things.” Yet, Raskin and his colleagues still are demanding an end of further investigations in the Biden corruption scandal.
berryberry's Avatar
CBS - Catherine Herridge : AG Garland decision to elevate Weiss to Special Counsel in Hunter Biden probe does not bring fresh perspective as outlined in 28 CFR 600.3 “The Special Counsel shall be selected from outside the US government."

You know it's bad for the Senile Biden Crime Family when CBS is calling out the corrupt DOJ
berryberry's Avatar
FBI Agent testimony being told they had to stay out of Hunter Biden's home until he contacted them (so he could dispose of any evidence)

Question: In your career of 20 years, have you ever been told that you had to wait outside of a target’s [Hunter Biden's] home until they contacted you?

FBI SSA: Not that I recall.

I bet the 75 year old disabled vet the FBI murdered last week would have liked the same consideration
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