Democrats Say It'll Take A Lot More

berryberry's Avatar
Democrats Say It'll Take A Lot More Than Eyewitness Testimony, Bank Records, Audio, Video, & Complete Confessions For Them To Believe Senile Biden Did Anything Wrong

As evidence of bribery and corruption by the Biden family continues to mount, Democrat lawmakers in the nation's capital have expressed heavy skepticism, saying they will need a lot more than just eyewitnesses, financial records, audio and video recordings, and admissions of guilt from parties involved for them to believe any of it.

"Nah, I'm not buying it," said California Congressman Eric Swalwell.

"If you're wanting me to believe President Biden and his family have been involved in a far-reaching money-for-favors scheme for years, you'll need to show me a lot more than rock-solid, irrefutable evidence. If the Biden family was corrupt, I think I would have heard about it from my Chinese spy girlfriend."

The Biden administration maintains absolute innocence, despite an ever-growing collection of evidence that would indicate otherwise.

"The President and his family have done nothing wrong," said White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who is a woman and also black and also gay.

"It's completely normal for families to enrich themselves by selling political influence to foreign corporations and governments. Any assertion to the contrary is simply Republicans grasping at straws. Also, I will not be taking any more questions regarding bribery allegations."

As rumors swirled that additional audio recordings of President Biden accepting bribes may soon be released, Democrats continued to brush them off.

"I see nothing wrong here," said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

"So he's on tape taking bribes. It's not like it proves he took bribes or something."
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s a shame that one can’t be sure if this is real or The Babylon Bee.
berryberry's Avatar
Very true Jacuzzme

Meanwhile - The two Russian oligarchs that paid the Senile Biden Crime Family millions have repeatedly been spared inclusion on the sanction list. Baturina and Yevtushenkov avoided sanctions the same day a special counsel was appointed to investigate Hunter.
berryberry's Avatar
Very true Jacuzzme

Meanwhile - The two Russian oligarchs that paid the Senile Biden Crime Family millions have repeatedly been spared inclusion on the sanction list. Baturina and Yevtushenkov avoided sanctions the same day a special counsel was appointed to investigate Hunter.