OOPS - What are the leftists going to say now?

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After ignoring all of the crimes uncovered on the Senile Biden Crime Family, or pretending nothing was found, etc. what are the ill informed leftists going to say now that Top Oversight Democrat Jamie Raskin says Hunter Biden did ‘really unlawful and wrong things’

Yep - A Top Democrat in Congress ADMITS Hunter Biden committed multiple crimes

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), ranking member on the Oversight panel, argued politicians should let the “justice system run its course” — conceding Hunter Biden did “wrong things.”

“It does seem clear that this guy *** did a lot of really unlawful and wrong things,” Raskin told ABC’s “This Week.”
berryberry's Avatar
Just as I suspected - when leftists are proven wrong and can't handle the truth they bury their heads and try to ignore the real facts

When you have a top Democrat in Congress saying Biden committed a bunch of crimes, well there go all their excuses

“It does seem clear that this guy *** did a lot of really unlawful and wrong things,” Raskin told ABC’s “This Week.”
berryberry's Avatar
This one is almost as bad for ill informed leftists as those dumb enough to believe the lie that David Weiss was selected by Trump is a legitimate point

Anyone with any basic knowledge of how the process works knows that you have to have a blue slip from each senator of the state to get a US attorney appointed. Delaware at that time, and still is, has two Democrat Senators that had to approve of Weiss

Alas, we know many leftists are lacking in the knowledge department